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Showing 1 results for Rainfall Distribution

Mr Ali Mohammadpourzeidi, Professor Bohloul Alijani, Associate Professor of Climatology Mohammad Saligheh, Mr Mohammadsaleh Gerami,
Volume 19, Issue 52 (3-2019)

owledge of spatial rainfall behavior in environmental, land planning is effective. These changes in the later place in the form of time later and in the climate of the area. The Target of this study was to reveal the presence or absence of precipitation trend in the ratio of the height of local precipitation behavior and identify province mazandarn. Therefore, the purpose of the rainfall data station 32 (Meteorological Agency and Department of energy), the statistical period 1988-2010. To get the regression analysis of precipitation process was used to identify the local behavior of precipitation, the method of spatial statistics were used. The results obtained from the behavior of precipitation, the existence of the process within the scope of the study and the emphasis is most consistent with the Be modified regression model at adjustment indicate. According to the regional behavior of precipitation, using local spatial statistics, spatial Moran well hot spots check this behavior. The results showed that precipitation in the province of Mazandaran has the pattern of clusters with high value. According to the local hot spots and methods Moran, West Coast up to a height of 700 m has positive z score and clusters with high value, 99% confidence level. This range includes 15% of the total of the province. The range of the Southern Highlands as well as the negative z score and clusters with low value with a confidence level shows 99%. This range is also about 20 per cent of the province's total. About 65 percent of the total area of the province as well as the lack of a significant trend show.

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