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Showing 3 results for Rasht

Seyedreza Azadeh, Fatemeh Alavi Zadeh Shalkouhi,
Volume 20, Issue 57 (6-2020)

The main goal of this research is to measure the quality of services in the Rasht city BRT from the citizen's point of view. In this regard, the research with respect to goal is practical and with respect to method is descriptive-analytical. A questionnaire technique was used to collect information. In this regard, 400 questionnaires were distributed, and in which 389 complete and error-free questionnaires were collected. After collecting questionnaires, the data were entered into SPSS software and analyzed by using statistical tests (one sample t test, factor analysis, and Cramer's V test). The results of the survey showed that out of the 389 respondents, 178 people (45.8%) evaluated the overall quality and efficiency of the BRT system in Rasht city at a moderate level and also 99 respondents (25.4%) evaluated the quality and efficiency of the BRT system in Rasht city at a desirable level. The average quality and overall efficiency score of the BRT system in Rasht city has been 2.87 out of the citizen's idea. The results of one-sample t-test indicate that there is a significant difference between the mean quality variable and overall efficiency of the BRT system in Rasht city with the test statistic. Based on the results of factors analyzes, 17 studied indicators are summarized in three factors. Based on the extracted factors, the first factor has the greatest impact on health and safety. The second factor has been the load factor on bus working hours, waiting time, cost of payment, total number of buses and distance between bus stations indicators. Finally, the third factor has its impact on cleanliness of buses, cooling system, heating system and the number of seats on buses. Using v Kramer test showed that there is a meaningful relationship between the five independent variables age variables, type of occupation and personal car ownership with dependent variable (quality and overall efficiency of BRT system in Rasht).
Miss Matin Farzidi, Mr Reza Parvizi, Miss Maryam Daneshshakib, Mr Seyedreza Azadeh,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

Nowadays, the lack of attachment is a significant point in the construction of towns, which is demonstrated with criteria such as lack of environmental attraction and visual qualities, lack of readability, security, and so on. These factors will affect people's relationship with the environment around them and thus their satisfaction. Golha Town faces numerous problems including lack of space for gatherings, lack of security and space confusion, inadequacy of appearance of the newly constructed buildings in relation to older monuments, and most importantly the existence of empty and unused land. The method used in this research is combinational including a set of descriptive-analytical methods. Data collection is performed using field and documentary methods. The statistical sample of the study was considered to be 384 people, based on the population of Rasht city. By distributing 420 questionnaires, 386 correct questionnaires were answered and returned. Analysis of questionnaires was performed by SPSS software. Measurement of selectivity, permeability and readability was also accomplished using the space syntax method and integration and connectivity analysis on the road adjacent to Golha town. The results showed that the impact of criteria such as readability, security and permeability was moderate. Visual proportions, elemental functions and access have a great effect on increasing the satisfaction of residents. As a result, the use of architectural patterns, considering pausing and moving spaces, creation of management applications, prevention of mass construction and indoor parks, are among the solutions to create the desired increase in satisfaction.

Zahra Alizadeh -, Dr Mohammad Taghi Masoumi, Dr Hossein Nazmfar, Dr Akbar Abravesh,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

Today, with the expansion of urbanization and the increase in the population of cities, urban poverty is one of the important problems that it seems necessary to fight. In the 21st century, one of the indicators of urban progress is the issue of low urban poverty (Lemanski and Marx, 2015). In order to analyze and evaluate the indicators of urban poverty in Rasht city in different blocks and to cluster social poverty in this city (very poor, poor, average, wealthy, very wealthy), to analyze social poverty and extract spatial hot spots from Arc software. Gis was used. And the extraction of different areas of the city was calculated from the R software and by the multi-indicator Prometheus decision-making method, where the weight of the indicators was obtained by the ANP method from the raw data of the statistical blocks of Rasht city in the census of 2015. The findings of the research showed that comparatively, the central parts of the city are covered by medium blocks, and in the outer and peripheral parts of the city center, two hot spot areas are observed, which contain very prosperous blocks. Cold spots are also clearly visible on the outer edge of the city and they cover very poor and poor blocks, and except for the hot and cold spots, the city is mostly in the form of mild spots and most of the blocks are in poor condition. They are placed in average social poverty. Also, based on the findings of the research, most of the deprived areas in terms of social poverty in Rasht city are located in the north-west and north-east parts of the city.


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