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Showing 3 results for Rural Areas

Mr Morad Ebrahimi, Dr Hasan Afrakhteh, Dr Hamid Jalalian,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

Although decades have passed since the introduction of a sustainable agricultural approach in the country, But the agricultural system is based on the use of non-native technologies, use of chemical inputs and Excessive exploitation of nature and Therefore, the formation and development of sustainable agriculture has faced major challenges. In this research, the researchers, considering the importance of agricultural sustainability especially in rural areas of the country and its role in maintaining the basic resources, considered the issue of agricultural sustainability In the villages of the central district of kuhdasht county and have studied and analyzed the agricultural sustainability gap in this region. For this purpose, 20 villages were selected by stratified random sampling method based on the location of the villages (plain, mountainous, and foothills), indicators of agricultural sustainability were developed and After completing the questionnaires by agricultural users, coding and data entry were performed in Excel and SPSS. Then, using the TOPSIS multivariate decision analysis, the studied villages were classified based on agricultural sustainability and They were classified into four clusters (Stable, semi-stable, unstable and very unstable) using cluster analysis. The results of the study showed that the agricultural sustainability level in the villages of this region is unbalanced in ecological, social and economic dimensions. This imbalance was seen both in the rural districts and at the level of studied villages.
Ahmad Hajarian, Ahmad Taghdisi, Hamid Barghi,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)

ose of this paper is to investigate the barriers and challenges of home businesses from the perspective of home business experts and owners using the Delphi method and confirmatory factor analysis. The purpose of this study is applied research and descriptive-analytical in nature and has a qualitative approach. The statistical population of the study consists of two groups. The first group included experts from the Bureau of Co-operation, Labor and Social Welfare, and the Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Crafts and Tourism, and the second group consisted of home business owners. The sample size for the first group was 28 people using snowball or chain sampling and the second group is based on the statistics of about 1000 people in rural areas of Isfahan province which was determined 276 people according to Cochran formula. Data were analyzed using SPSS 23 software. Delphi technique was used to identify the existing challenges of Isfahan rural communities home businesses. Results in the qualitative part of the study indicated that the most important challenges facing home businesses are structural and managerial factors, policy making, financial and economic, individual-personality, research and information. In the quantitative section, using confirmatory factor analysis, there are 5 factors, namely: financial and economic factors, managerial and structural factors, weaknesses in comprehensive rules and policy, research and information, and personal and personality factors which are 78/73. Explains the percentage of total variance

Hassan Azizi Bohloli, Mahmoud Reza Anvari, Masoumeh Hafez Rezazadeh,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

Rural management has always undergone various changes. Today, this pillar is the responsibility of the rural municipality Foundation. The purpose of forming this institution is to have a strong executive force in order to develop rural areas. rural municipality, as the executor of village programs and projects, has an important role in reducing urban and rural inequalities and improving the development of the village. Determining the degree of success of rural municipality in performing tasks is possible when its performance is carefully measured. The purpose of this study is to assess the performance of rural municipality Foundation in terms of economic, social and environmental indicators in rural areas of Sarbisheh. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on data collection in the field through a questionnaire. The statistical population of the study consisted of heads of households (1931 households) in 30 villages with rural areas. The sample size at the level of heads of households was calculated using the Cochran's formula of 320 people. The result of one-sample t-test showed that the best performance of rural areas is significantly less than 0.05 in terms of social indicators with an average of 3.78. Also, a significant difference was observed between the studied villages in the field of social indicators with a significant level (0.008), economic indicators with a significant level equal to (0.004) and environmental-physical indicators with a significant level (0.047). In terms of social performance, Dehneh Chah village with an average of 4.43, in terms of economic and environmental performance, Baghestan village with an average of 3.90 and 4.16 are in first place. The study of paired t-test with a significance level of less than 0.05 and an average difference of (-1.271) indicates that the situation of rural development indicators has become more appropriate after the establishment of the rural municipality Foundation.
Keywords: Dehyariha performance, economic, social and environmental indicators, rural areas, Sarbisheh.

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