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Showing 12 results for Satisfaction

Alireza Darban Astaneh,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)

Today in democratic governments, accountability to people and obtain the consent of them form local services is important for people's participation in local governance and consequently it is important to organizational success. In rural areas, wide range of services offered by local public organizations. Rural Satisfaction with the quality of their services, is one of the public performance indicators. The purpose of this study was to measure and analyze the rural people satisfaction from services quality of local organizations in Ilam province. Research Statistical Unit, is all villages with over 20 households in Ilam province. Research Statistical population is all members of the village councils and the study was done by counting all. The overall 1130 questionnaires were collected from 398 villages. The data were collected using a closed questionnaire.The model of Service Quality Gaps was used to assessment of villager’s satisfaction and One sample Chi-square used to analysis and assessment of comments. Also Cluster analysis was used to compare and cluster the villagers' satisfaction and one way ANOVA tests and Duncan's post hoc test was used to compare the satisfaction of villagers in different counties. The results showed that the villagers have little satisfaction in all of the local organizations. Cluster analysis results show that villagers are the most satisfaction from primary education, rural health centers and telephone services.  Also ANOVA results show that villagers in Dehloran County are less and Ilam County most satisfied with the public services. Correlation analysis revealed that a positive correlation exists between index of rural enjoyment and the public consensus. Also there is a negative correlation between distance of accessibility index and the public consensus.
Mohammad Najarzadeh, Aliakbar Bidokhti, Jamal Moradnejad,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)

According to WTTC (World Tourism and Travel Council) forecast tourism contribution of global GDP will be about 6000 billion dollar in 2020 and will create 300 million job Therefore, Tourism could be considered as multidimensional field that response to tourists needs with diversity interests and motivations. Shopping is the most necessity needs and it is the one popular activity for tourists. Border regions facilitate this activity because they have two potentials: appropriate geographical situation and non-favorite economic condition for host community. One of the best and most popular border cities in Iran country is Baneh that placed in the west boundaries between Iran and Iraq country. Region’s Economy  extremely depends on tourism shopping and majority of the host community directly or indirectly involved in that bussiness. Therefore, we can connect tourist's satisfaction with welfare and/or economical condition improvement. As, if it realize positively, region will develop in close future. This paper aims to evaluate performance of factors influencing tourists overall satisfaction in the Baneh border city due to important of development issue. Here, factors divided into two categories: shopping factors and tourism environmental factors. This research has followed a practical object, a descriptive approach with Field- Survey type in the method. Statistical population included tourists who have traveled to baneh city to purchase mainly. Matching to Morgan's table 400 tourist as statistical sample have selected and the questionnaire give to them randomly. The tools for gathering were base on two method, early data (from the field- survey study) and secondary data (from the library studies).   An analysis of the results revealed that, in thematic destinations, in addition to factors related to specific Theme (Subject) that they were more influencing, The tourism environmental factors also can  influence on the tourist total satisfaction . In sumery, this research aims to examine amount of satisfaction factors impact on the overall satisfaction. Finally, suggestions for relevant governmental institutes are provided.

Jamileh Tavakolinia, Mostafa Haraeeni,
Volume 18, Issue 49 (3-2018)

Tourism quality is important factor so that influence in return of tourists. Hence, it needed to be developed tourism quality due to stimulate domestic and foreign investment, increase business, and improve economic and social conditions. This study has an applied perspective relevant to type, and has an analytical approach pertaining to descriptive method. Using a questionnaire and taking the reliability of the data into account, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (0.834) and content validity, the data and required information were collected; and analyzing the number of 354 forms referring to the Darband restaurants were performed, with respect to documentary research and fieldwork in the sample tests. Based on facts collected due to satisfy consumptions; we found some gaps including, the widest gap of QoSs is relevant to tangibles with average distance -0.33, and narrowest gap of QoSs is pertaining to responsiveness with average distance 0.34. In next step, using Kano model we categories’ QoSs, and the results, based on customers’ respond, shown that 6 features categorized as “attractive,” 5 features categorized as “one-dimensional,” 6 features categorized as “necessary,” and 2 features as rest of 19 characteristics categorized as “unconcerned.” Eventually, according to the findings performed an inspection due find out about a relation over the Spearman correlation, and education, and income.

Hamdollah Sojasi Qidari, Hamide Mahmoodi, Hoori Havvaei,
Volume 18, Issue 49 (3-2018)

Higher quality of services provided in the rural areas requires feedback, consulting with villagers, and their active participation in rural development process. Water services are one of the most basic services provided in rural areas. Accordingly, the present study seeks to evaluate the satisfaction level of rural residents with the quality of services provided by Rural Water and Wastewater Company. This study was conducted in a descriptive-analytical method, and the population was comprised of 132 households randomly selected from rural residents living in rural areas of Central District of Neyshabur County with an acceptable reliability score. Investigating the relationship between the five dimensions of the study and the individual characteristics indicates that there is a significant relationship between age, gender and education level and satisfaction with quality of the services in sample villages. At the same time, assessing the satisfaction with the quality of water services in sample villages indicates that the quality of water services in sample villages is at a satisfactory level. The analytical results of the confirmatory factor analysis of the research indicators showed the highest percentage of variance of the research dimensions belonged to 'empathy', with 30.91% and the least value of variance belongs to ‘tangible changes’ (21.28%). The spatial analysis of villagers' satisfaction with drinking water supply services in sample villages showed that the village of Sheikhlan with 103.10 Qi had the highest satisfaction level, and the village of Turani with 0.990 Qi had the least satisfaction with the quality of services..

Mohammad Motamedi, Seyedhassan Rasouli, Mohammad Nasiri,
Volume 19, Issue 55 (12-2019)

In public organizations such as municipalities, the design and deployment of a performance and control assessment system can lead to the proper management of urban managers on the road to achieving goals, tasks, strategies and development plans and urban development, in accordance with the quality, cost and time desired. Therefore, this article attempts to study the satisfaction of urban performance in urban services by using the views of citizens of the city of Farouj. For this assessment, using theoretical studies, 21 types of urban services were selected in three sections: Technical, Public and Cultural Services. At the next stage, the questionnaire was designed based on these services. Then, 400 questionnaires were distributed among the citizens of the case study city. In the next step, 380 questionnaires were completely and correctly collected and entered into SPSS software. Finally, the results of the study were analyzed by statistical tests. The results of the research indicate that the average satisfaction rate of public services in the city of Farouj is 3.53, which can be said that the level of citizens' compliance with this service is in the middle level. The average satisfaction rate of technical services in the city of Farouj has been calculated to be 3.31, and the average satisfaction rate of cultural services in city of Farouj has been calculated to be equal to 3.5. The results of statistical analysis indicate that the level of significance is more than 0.05 in relation to four of the urban services. This means that in terms of the services of sports spaces, the collection and disposal of surface water, the quality of leisure travelers and the respect of the clients, the level of satisfaction of citizens is equal to the average. In relation to two indicators of pedestrian quality and public participation, the mean difference with the statistical test was calculated to be 0.16 and -0.19 respectively, which indicates that the satisfaction of these services is lower than the limit on average. In other indicators, citizens' satisfaction is above average

Mitra Ghorbi, Mrs Maryam Naghavi, Dr Hamid Mohammadi,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

Interactions and sometimes contradictions in economic and cultural priorities which happen due to social transformations, changes in paradigms and changes in economic – political systems led to changes in urban regeneration concept. The role of culture in urban regeneration had significant changes comparing to other factors; and the cultural focuses became the main approach in urban regeneration in recent decades. The quality of built environment and level of residents’ satisfaction plays an important role in regeneration policies of target areas as well. This study investigates the impact of environment quality variables (environmental, physical, economic and social) on level of residents’ satisfaction in cultural neighborhoods of Kerman, with the goal of improving the regeneration process.The method of this research is applied-developmental in terms of the aim, and descriptive and causal comparative in terms of the nature. This study uses questionnaire as a tool for collecting data. The study sample size is 513 and the data were analyzed by SPSS and AMOS softwares. The results demonstrate a significant direct relationship between economic and physical variables as well as social variables and consequently the same relationship between economic and the sense of satisfaction. The results also indicate a significant inverse relationship between environmental variables, which are effective on sense of satisfaction, and economic variables. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) show that improvement in the condition of economic, physical and environmental variables, will improve condition of social variables and the sense of satisfaction in the studied neighborhoods. Furthermore, analysis showed that economic variables have more effect on social variables and eventually on the sense of satisfaction as compared to physical and environmental variables. Therefore, the negative effects of each four aforementioned factors could be decreased in the studied neighborhood through planning and application of culture-led regeneration policies. Accordingly the increase in the sense of satisfaction would improve the revitalization and sustainability in these neighborhoods.
Fereydoon Babai Aghdam, Rahim Heydari Chinay, ,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

Understanding the needs and interests of tourists provides a better understanding of tourism and is a valuable guide in designing effective programs for sustainable tourism development. Considering the importance of the above mentioned cases, the present study was carried out using a descriptive-analytical method and a library and questionnaire for The purpose of this study was to assess the conformity of tourists' needs with urban tourism management measures so that the needs and expectations of tourism and services and ... Tourists (383 persons) from Tabriz before traveling with completed tourist services Travel as action They were analyzed by urban tourism management (80 people) and their satisfaction with the trip. The results showed that the average level of satisfaction of tourists with accommodation and tourism infrastructure in Tabriz is moderate. The needs and expectations among tourists regarding infrastructure, transportation, accommodation, services, are consistent with urban management practices and the research hypothesis is confirmed. Urban Management Approaches to Tourism Needs Significantly Impact on Tourist Satisfaction with Tourism Purposes

Ahmad Asadi, Roghayeh Kalateh Meymari,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

The present research is descriptive-analytical and in terms of its purpose. Data needed for research were collected by means of documentation (library, magazines) and field materials using a questionnaire. Using the Cochran formula, the sample size of the population was estimated at 383 people and the data were obtained using spatial analysis ArcGIS and SPSS software have been analyzed. In order to analyze the distribution of urban services, the index of access to urban services has been used, which is derived from land use plans of Mashhad city and municipal information and obtained from network analysis (ANP) and spatial statistics tests. Also, to assess the satisfaction of citizens from the distribution of urban services through a questionnaire and using one-sample T-test in spss software. Also, Gray Gray Analysis (GRA) method has been used for ranking the neighborhoods of the District 11 of Mashhad in terms of social justice. The final indicator of the distribution of urban services indicates the favorable distribution of urban services in the Daneshjo, sharif, Tarbiat, farhang, and parts of Azadshahr and Faroghottahsilan. As well as the neighborhoods of Ziba shahr, Shahid Razavi and parts of Faroghottahsilan and Azad shahr, they are in a disadvantaged position in terms of the distribution of urban services. Also, based on spatial self-correlation test, the pattern of indicators in the study area has spatial self-correlation and cluster pattern. The analysis of the distribution pattern of urban services in the District 11 of Mashhad using J statistics shows that the distribution of urban services in the study area has a high concentration of cluster patterns. Based on the analysis of the gray-matter analysis of daneshjo, Azad Shahr, farhang and Sharif neighborhoods, they have high levels of social justice, and other neighborhoods are ranked respectively. In the following, the results of t test indicate that among the neighborhoods, Daneshjo, Sharif, farhang, Tarbiat and Azad Shahr neighborhoods had the highest satisfaction with urban services. The neighborhood of Zibashahr has had the least satisfaction with the distribution of urban services. The results of all the models used in the paper are highly consistent and consistent.
Leyla Ghasemi, Farveh Farveh Rahmani, Tahereh Bayat,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

Humans in the course of urban development in order to conduct the affairs of the citizens have attempted to establish a municipal entity and the duties and responsibilities to municipalities are considered. municipal performance analysis can be the best way to ensure proper duties as mayor. this study aimed to evaluate the satisfaction level of citizens the function and importance of the services that municipalities offer is made. the research method is descriptive-analytical and data collection method based on the Library, and field documents (questionnaires, respectively). Spss software was used for data analysis. statistical methods used in this paper Methods of Correlation Kendall's t-test and Kruskal-Wallis test.the results indicate that the satisfaction of the citizens of the municipality varies according to their age. satisfaction of citizens less than 40 years of municipal performance is much lower than average. and satisfaction of citizens over 40 years, is mediocre. Citizens' satisfaction with the quality of service and how information is below, but the degree of satisfaction of the authorities, employers and employees, is moderate. Among development duties-technical, service and social-cultural municipalities of the perspective of citizens in the region, there are significant differences in terms of importance. In a manner that is most important tasks of municipal services.

Sara Dodange, Babak Hajikarimi, Mohammad Mehdi Mozafri, Kamiar Kavosh,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

The purpose of present study was to investigate the effect of social responsibility on emotional and behavioral responses of tourists after failure of services in four-star and five-star hotels. The research method is practical  obgectively and descriptive and analytical methodology. The statistical population of the study was contained tourists who visited four-star and five-star hotels, and the sample size was estimated 384 people by the Cochran formula, sampling method was simple random. The data gathering tool was the questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed. For investigating and testing of the research hypotheses was used structural equation modeling in the software environment, pls. The results of the research indicated that social responsibility has a positive and significant effect on loyalty, satisfaction and trust of tourists. In addition, findings showed that the satisfaction and trust of tourists have a positive and significant effect on their loyalty.

Miss Matin Farzidi, Mr Reza Parvizi, Miss Maryam Daneshshakib, Mr Seyedreza Azadeh,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

Nowadays, the lack of attachment is a significant point in the construction of towns, which is demonstrated with criteria such as lack of environmental attraction and visual qualities, lack of readability, security, and so on. These factors will affect people's relationship with the environment around them and thus their satisfaction. Golha Town faces numerous problems including lack of space for gatherings, lack of security and space confusion, inadequacy of appearance of the newly constructed buildings in relation to older monuments, and most importantly the existence of empty and unused land. The method used in this research is combinational including a set of descriptive-analytical methods. Data collection is performed using field and documentary methods. The statistical sample of the study was considered to be 384 people, based on the population of Rasht city. By distributing 420 questionnaires, 386 correct questionnaires were answered and returned. Analysis of questionnaires was performed by SPSS software. Measurement of selectivity, permeability and readability was also accomplished using the space syntax method and integration and connectivity analysis on the road adjacent to Golha town. The results showed that the impact of criteria such as readability, security and permeability was moderate. Visual proportions, elemental functions and access have a great effect on increasing the satisfaction of residents. As a result, the use of architectural patterns, considering pausing and moving spaces, creation of management applications, prevention of mass construction and indoor parks, are among the solutions to create the desired increase in satisfaction.

Elmira Azimi, Hosin Mobara, Maryam Farzadmanesh,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

The emergence of a variety of inequalities, widespread poverty, malnutrition and ... were examples of the effects of urbanization. For this reason, many scholars and experts have focused on the quality of life, in order to improve living conditions and improve the quality of life of human beings. Many studies show that satisfaction with different dimensions and characteristics of the neighborhood affects residents' quality of life. Considering that satisfaction with life, i.e., the full satisfaction of all parts of life, if this kind of satisfaction does not develop among residents, more serious problems such as intra-urban migration, severe class contradictions and the problem of uplifting and down-town faces Accepts. Therefore, identifying the effective factors on residential satisfaction in each neighborhood, which is in accordance with the needs of the residents of that neighborhood, is one of the main goals of urban planners in order to increase residential satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of location and quality of environment on improving citizens' satisfaction from neighborhoods. The research method was descriptive-analytic, data collection method, library and survey, sample size was estimated 315 by Cochran formula. In order to test the hypotheses presented in this study, structural equation modeling was used in Lisrel software environment. The results of this study indicate that spatial sense of belonging and quality of environment have a significant effect on residents' satisfaction with the neighborhood.

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