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Showing 5 results for Scale

Dr. Mahmoud Dehghan, Dr. Ataalah Abdi, Dr. Afshin Mottaghi, Dr. Mirhadi Hosseini,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

In geopolitics literature, small and low-endowment states that compound lesser geopolitical potentiality and weight are considered as the trivial scale agents in comparison with the first and second level powers. These agents, in spite of the local geopolitical codes but sometimes can effect on the regional and even global events of geopolitics. The Caucasian region, historically, have had a field for appearance and exposition of sub-khans that their overall actions and agencies effected the events of the region and due to its cultural proximities to Iran, have effected in Iran’s geopolitical functions in national scale. The present paper with descriptive-analytical method, have studied historical role of the local agencies in geopolitical events of the Caucasia and their impression on the great scale events. Secondly, the paper has studied the quality of the chosen countries of the region in current circumstances of the global system. Results indicate that the Caucasian countries act according to their historical legacy as a small-scale agents among the great scale actors.
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Volume 16, Issue 42 (9-2016)

In Iran the issue of occurring natural disasters, particularly mesoscale convective systems. They are important on one hand, because of their increasing intimidations and causing damages and on the other hand, because of their increasing abundance, time of duration, and happening. Therefore life cycle, constituton condition and mesoscale convective systems features in west of Iran using satellite and extention area index and thresholds of brightness temperature 221 and 243 K have been studied. After their statistic analysis, based on mesoscale convective system importance, life and daily cycle, behavior parameters, and synoptic conditions of this system life cycle were analysed. Most of the systems have been formed in southeastern Iraq and in western Zagros hillsides. Wile puberty stages (the maturity) and their expandings were increased with the height increase; in turn, declining of the systems began by passing Zagros chain mountains. The system extention area at the system life cycle starting increases with a smooth process; whereas the reduction process of the system extention area at the declining stage was severe and sudden.

Hassan Mahmodzadeh, Sodabeh Panahi, Mahdi Herischian,
Volume 19, Issue 52 (3-2019)

From the late  twentieth century, human kind has found out that if he wants to obtain cost efficiently and continuous utilization of lands, it is better to execute this in a planned framework named management plan. Such idea is became  as an introduction to monitor the land or utilization of lands. Monitoring lands means contribution of an optimized space for land utilization with realization of common upcoming and related to each other in the past, now and in the future.Therefore, the objective  of  this research is to select the suitable lands  with monitoring lands of view in the city of Hamedan using a Multi-Objective Land Allocation method.The aim of Multi-Objective Land Allocation  method use is to contribute  selection of proper lands with monitoring approach based on ideal levels concept which have been executed by 3 different ecologic, socio-economic and strategic aspects existing in the territory.The examined use include agricultural use (water system or dry farming), pasturing use and urban use which based on the highest weight of independent variables, the area has been allocated to mentioned use with land monitoring approach.In what follows, the land suitability map is obtained through MCE operation for each type of land use and the obtained land suitability areas were calculated using these maps for which the results are as follows: irrigated agriculture with 601.176 hectares, dryland farming with 961.193 hectares, urban suitability with 762.984, and rangeland management suitability with 960.552 hectares which is an important criterion for determining the area for implementing MOLA.In the next step, it was time for implementing MOLA module for resolving the contradictions among the  uses.The results of MOLA showed that in average for the three studied aspects, the maximum area was associated with dryland farming with 364.4 hectares which is equivalent to 32% of the studied uses and the maximum weight of 0.4 was associated with irrigated agriculture.These resulted were obtained based on five factors (i.e. the current area of each land use, the favorable area for each land use based on MCE method, the occupational dependencies of different individuals to each land uses, prioritizing the ecological, economic, and social aspects of each land use).Finally, the results showed that selecting the suitable lands with spatial planning point of view using a Multi-Objective Land Allocation method is carried out properly through economic, social, and ecological aspects.

Mr Ahmad Zanganeh, Mr Tajedin Karami, Ms Roghayeh Yadolahisaber,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

Assessment is one of the important methods in analyzing the accomplishment of Sustainable development and as one of the necessities of planning can identify potential and actual environmental effect that is emerged as a result of the construction and development and provides logical options to solve them.  The purpose of the current research is to assess the environmental effects of multi-layer highways on the neighborhood. The research is applied In terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of nature. Moreover, this research is environment based and uses sustainable development in theory. In order to analyze the data, 8 neighborhood around the Sadr bridge (Tajrish, Gheytariyeh, Chizar, Zargandeh, Sadr, Rostam Abas, Ekhtiyarieh and Pasdaran neighborhoods) were chosen as the analyze unit. Assessment indexes were assed in term of social, skeleton, vision and health-hygiene, economic and ecologic and safety-security domains. statistical Qualitative and quantitative  methods including  one sample T test and Friedman test were used to rate the domains and spatial analysis methods (spatial statistics) were used to show the status of the neighborhood. We also used the TOPSIS technique and Iranian Leopold in order to rate the neighborhood in terms of environmental effects of multi-layer Sadr Bridge. Results of the assessment matrix showed that Sadr multi-layer project is confirmed by providing corrective options in activities with high and very high damage. Based on the research findings it was found that the neighborhoods around the Sadr multi-layer highway given the assed dimensions, each have a different susceptibility from the multi-layer Sadr Bridge. In this regard, the ecological and skeleton have the most susceptibility and the security each have the least susceptibility from the Sadr multi-layer Sadr bridge and in rating the neighborhood, Rostamabad had the most susceptibility and the Zarhandeh has the least susceptibility from the Multi-layer Sadr bridge.  

Ms Elaheh Ghasemi Karakani, Mr Ebrahim Fattahi, Mrs Loabat Salehi Pak, Mr Hooshang Ghaemi,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

During the rainfall, the intensity of precipitation varies. Changes in the amount of precipitation during an event of rainfall are effective in the resulting of flood and its intensity. Knowledge of how rainfall changes over time during rainfall is determined by temporal distribution pattern of rainfall. For this purpose, availability of short-term time scales rainfalls data are important that obtained by rain gauge stations. However, the low density of the rain gauge network and the lack of sufficient data from the time pattern of rainfall have always been a problem in determining storm patterns for executive plans. Therefore, the simulation of WRF numerical weather models can be used. The WRF model is one of the most responsive models for predicting precipitation, temperature and atmospheric elements that used in this study. In this paper, three great storm events on 15 December 2003, 24 - 26 December 2006 and 6-7 March 2007 have been selected in the Parsian dam basin and surrounding areas in south west of Iran. The result of WRF numerical weather prediction model for these great storms compared with data loggers. It showed that the WRF model was able to performance the heavy rainfall and simulates the rainfall pattern in these dates. 

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