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Showing 4 results for Spatial Development

Alireza Ghorbani, Ali Shamaei, Moussa Kamanroudi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

One of the problems of the cities around the capitals in the third world countries is that urbanization overtook urban development and this issue has created many problems in these cities. The lack of characteristics such as transparency, accountability, rule of law, participation, efficiency and the like in the urban management system also adds to the severity of the issues. The aim of the present research is to investigate the quality of urban physical-spatial development management with a good governance approach and to provide optimal strategies for the city of Shahryar. The research method is descriptive-analytical in terms of developmental and practical purpose, and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature. Data collection was done based on documentary and survey methods, and the tools of interview letter and questionnaire were used. Descriptive and inferential statistical tests, MICMAC software and SWOT model have been used in data analysis. The statistical population includes the city's citizens and the group of experts. Validity assessment was done using construct validity and reliability assessment using Cronbach's alpha method. The results show that the overall average status of physical-spatial development management in Shahryar city from the point of view of good governance indicators is equal to 2.006, which is in an average situation based on the Likert spectrum. The findings of the investigation of the influential factors on the quality of governance of this city with the help of MICMAC software show the stability of the system. Finally, the examination of the strategies for realizing the model of good governance in the urban management system shows the predominance of the strategy (Strengths and threats) in the urban management system of Shahriar, which is based on increasing the level of supervision, developing the capacity of the audit system and the headquarters to fight against corruption and violations. The administration emphasizes the fight against mafia and lobbying in urban management, the development of plans and programs for the renovation of worn-out city structures, the development of electronic technologies and tools, and the improvement of economic and human indicators of urban management.

Mina Eftekharnia, Keramatollah Ziari, Majid Naderi,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

Today, the concept of competition has spread in the world in such a way that all countries and governments at the national, regional or local levels are looking for a way to expand and improve economic conditions in favor of investments to stimulate competitiveness. The study of regional development strategies is defined through more competitiveness in the field of capitalist relations and there is less indication of sustainable development concept. On the other hand, due to the complex relationship between environmental, social and economic systems, with the introduction of the concept of competitiveness in the development process, regardless of other subsystems, the field of environmental and social damage in urban and regional systems has arisen and consequences Such as uneven development, increasing social disparities and inequalities and environmental pollution, increasing energy consumption, traffic and other social, cultural and environmental issues; In a way that many metropolises of the world and even Iran are involved with these issues now.
In this research, due to the nature of the research, library methods have been used to review the theoretical literature related to the research and to identify indicators related to spatial analysis, content analysis methods have been used. In this regard, first, the activities with competitive advantage in Arak District have been analyzed, spatially using the indexing method and the position of cities has been determined based on the ability to compete in activities with competitive advantage. Then, according to the outlined landscape for Arak District, strategies, policies and spatial rules for use in the region have been written.
Gholamreza Malekshahi, Taher Parizadi, Kolsoum Rezaei,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

The study of the roles and functions of cities and their developments is an important question in modern geographic studies. The unbalanced spatial distribution of populations, irregular migration to metropolises and imbalances in the distribution of economic opportunities between regions have led to focus on the idea of ​​medium-sized cities as one of the most effective approaches to planning of the territory. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to study the performance of the city of Nasimshahr as an intermediary city in the spatial development structure of Tehran province. The research method is "descriptive-analytical" and the data collection method is based on both library and field methods. Quantitative methods and models have been used to study the role of the city. Economic models show that the city's share of industrial employment is above average in terms of industrial employment. The structural change index shows that the changes in Nasimshahr were greater than those in Tehran province. The results of the share change model show that the service sector has grown faster than the province. Considering the spatial structure, whatever the role of the city, the spatial imbalance in the urban network of the province is obvious. Demographic models show that Nasimshahr has great elasticity to attract the overwhelming population of the province. Therefore, given its strengths and possibilities, it can play a key role in regional leveling as a service and industrial center in the southwest of the province.

Hossein Sharifi, Mehrdad Ramezanipour, Leila Ebrahimi,
Volume 24, Issue 75 (12-2024)

Today, human settlements around the world are exposed to natural hazards for a variety of reasons. These risks, which bring with them a lot of human and financial losses, require preventive measures. The purpose of this study is to investigate the development of urban space in order to deal with environmental hazards in Noor city. The method of this research is also descriptive. Data collection is using library and documentary studies and questionnaires. In order to analyze the questionnaires using ANP method and fuzzy logic method, evaluate each of the criteria and determine their importance coefficients. Based on the results, spatial assessment was performed using ArcGis software and hazard zones were identified. According to the results of risk potential zoning, the northern and southern areas of the city have the highest risk potential. To predict the development of residential areas, the combined Markov chain model and cellular automation were used. The results showed that the continuous expansion of built areas in recent decades has caused rapid changes in land use and the built areas of the city has increased from 2.43% of the total area in 2010 to 3.68% in 2019. The results also showed that regardless of the natural hazards, the built-up areas will increase and as a result of urbanization, the built-up areas will be more prone to high-risk lands. However, if sustainable development policies are fully implemented, cities and built-up areas will be able to maintain their development spaces from high-risk areas for the benefit of the city and its residents.

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