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Showing 4 results for Tehran Metropolitan

Esmat Khan Mohammadi, Rahim Sarvar, Alireza Estalaji,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Today, the accelerating trend of urbanization, the lack of guidance and urban management, national and regional inequalities, and differences in the socio-economic base of individuals have led to the growth and expansion of informal housing. Due to this situation, informal housing has been expanding in Tehran's metropolitan area. The present study seeks to find key factors affecting informal housing in the study area and also to determine the relationships between criteria through structural-interpretive modeling (ISM). Are; Which is applied in terms of the nature of the application and in terms of the combined method (quantitative and qualitative) and in terms of the inductive research approach In this method, a questionnaire tool was used and in order to analyze the relationships and present their structural model, the interpretive structural modeling method was used, The results of MICMAC analysis and the classification of key factors in the four matrix clusters It shows that the factors of economic growth, redistributive policies, decentralization and transfer of authority, regional equilibrium policies, revision of development and sanctions laws and regulations and its effects are in the fourth cluster,which are in fact variables of research. In fact, key variables are research, and the only factor in housing policies is the cluster of link variables, which will guide other factors, and change will affect the entire system.
Farzaneh Sasanpour, , ,
Volume 17, Issue 47 (12-2017)

Urbanization bubble is a new concept in urban planning issues for examining sustainability at various levels of social, economic, environmental, and management. So far, no common definition provided for urbanization bubble that indicate a lack of research in this field. This research aimed at assessing futures studies of urbanization bubble in Tehran metropolitan with focus on scenario planning. Research method in term of purpose is applied and in term of method is exploratory descriptive analytic one. Required data gathered through field study and document review. In field studies, Delphi technique performed in the form of a group of 30 people. For data analyzing, cross impact analyzes used in MICMAC software. Results indicate that 56 factors identified as key factors in five institutional, managerial, economic, social and environmental dimensions affecting future condition of urbanization bubble. Then, based on experts’ comments, 25 agents identified. Dispersion of the variables indicates the instability of Tehran's metropolitan system. Five categories of influential, dual, regulatory, influential and independent factors identified. Final scores and ranking of key factors carried out and finally, three scenarios presented for the future status of urbanization bubble in Tehran metropolitan.
Dr Tala Hussein, Dr Amir Mahmoudzadeh, Dr Keramatollah Ziyari,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

Tehran metropolitan authorities have always tried to develop the most efficient model for managing Tehran metropolitan affairs. Currently, the Tehran city management model is the council-city model, according to which people elect the members of the city council by direct vote, and the Tehran City Council elects the mayor. Over the past years, and considering that the institutions and organizations in charge of managing and providing urban services have in some cases suffered from parallel work or even inconsistencies in tasks, there is a need to develop a model for integrated urban management. In this article, descriptive-analytical method has been used. This article is practical in terms of the purpose of the study. The purpose of this article is to achieve a model for integrated management of Tehran metropolis. The statistical population of this study is Tehran urban management experts for which 34 people were selected as a sample. The data collection tools of this research are interviews and questionnaires and the data have been analyzed using paired comparison and TOPSIS methods. As a result of this research, according to the identified challenges and using TOPSIS method, the efficiency of the developed research model (with the proposed name of service desk) compared to the current model of Tehran urban management has been confirmed. Also, the most important result obtained from comparative studies is that in the studied metropolises, all matters of governance and urban management are always under the command of one institution and parallel work has been avoided, which should also be considered in Tehran.

Majid Rajabi Jurshari, Tuba Amir Azodi, Rahim Sarvar, Jamile Tavakoli Nia,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)

Quality of life is one of the most important issues in the world that has an urban planning in order to search for the quality of life  and in order to solve this problem , some solutions have been offered . The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of quality of life in women . This research due to the importance of the subject is based on analytical - applied method based on structural equation modeling of structural equation modeling of library and documentary research with the aim of analyzing the relationship between quality of life and its relation with this research . The statistical population in the first stage in the first stage , and the second stage in the second stage , the inferential statistics was used to determine the status of some specialized experts . The results showed that the quality of urban life is the most important indicator for the quality of urban life and the quality of urban life is the lowest . It is a reciprocal relationship , which in turn has severity of quality of life .

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