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Showing 7 results for Economy

Hamid Jalalian, Fariosh Namdari, Asghar Pashazadeh,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)

Nowadays most of the countries have chosen the tourism as a development strategy for the rural areas. The Hajij village with worthy natural, cultural and anthropological heritage has known as a tourism destination in Kermanshah province and west of Iran. In this research, the effects of tourism are studied in this village. The methodology is descriptive-analytic method. The necessary data were collected through both library and field methods. The population of this study equals to 180 persons- based on Cochran Table- including the 130 residents, 15 local governors and 35 visitors were selected by simple random method. Research tools include a researcher made questionnaire which its validity was confirmed based on the collective opinion of the universities professor's and experts of executive organizations. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated at 0.867 using Cranach’s alpha test based on 20 pretesting. Data analysis was held by factor analysis in SPSS 21 software. The research findings showed that there are six main factors among 30 variables which interpret 70 percent of the variance of the tourism effects the most important is physical- facilitator effects. Moreover, the positive effects were %65.8 and the negative ones were %34.2 based on factor analysis.
Hassan Afrakhteh, Mohammad Hajipur, Farhad Javan,
Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)

The oil has gradually obtained a predominant place in national economy since 1950 and nowadays, is the main important resource securing country financial needs. Two questions are the base of this research regarding contradiction of oil rent and traditional economic sectors including agriculture and livestock rearing which always have been intensified. These two questions are as follows: what are the impacts of oil wealth distribution among different regions on Iran's rural economic structure? What has been the locational-spatial consequences of this oil wealth distribution on agricultural sector as a main element of Iran's rural economic structure? Research required data have collected based on document study on the country during 2006- 2011. Collected data are analyzed based on Shift-Share Analysis and Gibbs- Martin methods. Result show that there have not been any incentive in the local, regional and national management for strengthening rural economic structure using oil wealth. In addition, absence of industrial sector in rural economic structure with emphasis on agricultural sector both from policy making view and credit securing show that there have not been any logical sight on the political economic system facing rural space economy for development. 

Dr Hossein Farahani, Mis Mina Alvandi,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

The migration of young people and the aging of rural communities, for reasons such as poverty and unemployment, will create a lot of need for identifying new approaches to the survival of rural communities. Small business entrepreneurship has an important role in reducing poverty and, ultimately, rural development. However, this kind of entrepreneurship faces many challenges in terms of environmental, economic and ... The purpose of this research is to examine the challenges of entrepreneurship in improving entrepreneurship, creating employment and sustainable income through setting up small businesses. The present research is aimed at applying the field of observation and control, and in terms of the nature and method of descriptive-analytical. The statistical population of the study consisted of rural households living in Bijar. According to the census of 1395, the population of this city was 89,162 persons, which according to the distribution of 44% of the rural population and 56% of the city. There are also 283 rural villages in the seaside district, among which 12 villages have entrepreneurship and 244 of them are households using the modified Cochran formula. Data gathering method was library and field questionnaire (questionnaire). In this questionnaire, individuals were asked to identify the importance of each of the identified challenges in rural small business based on the options of this spectrum (high, high, medium, low, and very low) based on the Likert spectrum. Structural Equation Modeling (Factor Analysis) has been used for analyzing data in Amos software. The results of the research show that all challenges in the entrepreneurship of small businesses have been affected, but economic factors with factor load of 0.91 have the highest impact among existing challenges and the individual and social challenges with factor load are 0.23 and 0.28, respectively. The least load has been the factor.

Sara Behvandi, Abbas Arghan, Mohammad Reza Zand Moghadam, Zeynab Karke Abadi,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of dust on the economy of Ahvaz. The present study has used descriptive and analytical research methods. In addition, this research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the study includes specialists, managers, experts and professors in the field of environment and dust in the city of Ahvaz is 65 people. The sample size was selected based on the total census of 65 people. A questionnaire designed in urban economics in the city of Ahvaz, which has four main variables. Based on this, the questionnaire has 32 questions that will be researcher-made and each of the four main variables has eight questions. Experts and professors formalized the validity of the questionnaire and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbachchr('39')s alpha of 0.81. Data analysis was performed based on structural equation analysis in Smart PLS software. In general, dust has affected the economy of Ahvaz city and this has been in such a way that dust on urban housing with an impact factor of 0.63 and a value of 11.4 T, Dust mites on urban transport with an impact factor of 0.60 and a value of 9.94 T, dust mites on urban facilities and facilities with an impact factor of 0.54 and a value of 6.70 T and dust mites on urban finance with an impact factor of 0.68 and a value of T 16 / 12 has had an impact

Mr. Mosayeb Gharehbeygi, Dr. Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, Dr. Marjan Badiee Azandahi, Dr. Yashar Zakki, Dr. Abbas Rajabifard,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

Along with different states Economic policies in post-revolutionary Iran, have followed more or less the same path; in such a way that today, important parts of Iran's economy are trying to reproduce a non-competitive and non-preferential environment. Therefore, it is necessary to study the mechanisms governing the Iranian economy due to the decline in economic indicators. In this regard, the present study, using the method of discourse analysis and using semi-structured interviews, first explores and extracts the most important issues related to the current political economy of Iran and then, using the paradigm model has developed an appropriate strategy for the optimal management of the economy. The results show that the most important categories related to the current defective economy are the spatial distribution of power, the rentier state, and the underdevelopment of the social sector, the Dutch disease, sanctions, as well as epistemological ignorance and methods. Cognition of international political economy. Among these, the two factors of space nationality in Iran and the state's reliance on non-productive resources have caused states in Iran to become anti-geographic. In addition, the proposed strategy for the optimal management of Iran's political economy in the framework of the actor-network theory is to construct a central category of the social economy network, which by creating a balance and exchange between the concepts of society, economy and state, it leads Iran's political economy to spatial fluidity and a production-competitive economy.
Mrs Arezoo Momenian Najjar, Dr Morteza Mirgholami, Dr Azita Oskoyi,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)

One of the new theories in the field of urban development planning is the creative city theory, which can be useful due to the intense competition between cities in the age of globalization. Based on this, various researches have been done about the metropolis of Tehran, which have looked at the city of Tehran and creativity from different angles. Therefore, analysis and evaluation of these researches from different aspects such as study scale, research method and results are necessary. The purpose of this study is to systematically review the articles on the subject of creative city in Tehran in order to identify research shortcomings and also the systematic combination of their valuable results. This research uses both quantitative and qualitative methods in the form of systematic review. For this purpose, it uses quantitative and qualitative meta-analysis. Preliminary research data consists of thirteen Scientific Research Papers that have been selected using purposive sampling. Findings from a quantitative review of articles show that most of the research conducted in the field of creative cities is quantitative, positivist, non-exploratory, large-scale and pays little attention to indigenous indicators. Also, the qualitative results of the research indicate that the city of Tehran, despite its relative position in terms of creative city indicators in the country, is far from international standards and existing trends do not show the move to a creative city. In order to achieve the creative city of Tehran, it is necessary to consider following points; at the international level the principles of competition and interaction, at the national level the principle of balance, at the level of Tehran metropolis the principle of development, at the city zones the principle of spatial justice and at the level of neighborhoods and urban spaces the principles of the quality of space and vitality.
Mohamad Eskandary, Ahmad Taghdisi, Yousof Ghanbari,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

Entrepreneurship can have many positive effects in rural communities on the one hand, they face economic problems, especially in the areas of employment, poverty and lack of income and On the other hand, they have high environmental capabilities. This research is based on information collected through documentary and survey methods and Aiming to enable the development of entrepreneurship in major sectors of economic activity It has been done in the villages of the central District of Boyer-Ahmad County. The results showed that despite the motivation for progress, hard work and high risk-taking of employees in major sectors of economic activity (Agriculture, Industry and Services), The general situation of their entrepreneurial variables with an average of 2.618, At 99% confidence level, it is below average. The results showed the feasibility of the sub-sectors of economic activity Four economic subsectors of medicinal plants, Aquaculture, mineral water resources and tourism, respectively by average 3.548, 3.691, 3.705 and 3.419, They have high potential for entrepreneurship development. Also showed the results of Pearson test The degree of correlation between independent variables (Production of medicinal plants, aquaculture, mineral water resources and tourism) and Research dependent variable (entrepreneurship), Has been positive and statistically significant Respectively with 0.519, 0.179, 0.398 and 0.533 values.

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