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Showing 5 results for Physical Development

Ms Zahra Sharghi, Dr Mostsfs Basiri, Dr Mahsa Faramarzi Asl,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

The basic purpose of this research is to reveal the physical development process of the new city of Sahand, as one of the new cities of the country, using Landsat satellite images during the statistical period of 1401-1373. In this regard, satellite images required for 4 statistical periods of 1373, 1383, 1393, and 1401 were obtained from two Landsat 5 and 8 satellites. By running a band calculation function on the images of TM and OLI sensors, the values ​​of the physical changes of the urban fabric during the investigated time steps in Sahand city were calculated and extracted. The results of this research indicated that the physical growth and development of the city of Sahand has started since 2013. This year, the area of ​​the urban fabric has reached 282 hectares, which is a 28-fold increase compared to 2013. But in the next decade, i.e. 2013, the area of ​​the city reached 570 hectares with a 100% growth compared to the previous decade, and finally, in the last decade, the area of ​​the city reached 850 hectares with a growth rate of 50%. District 6 of Sahand city, which accounts for about 35% of the physical fabric of the city, has been one of the fastest growing areas of the city during the decades of 1393-1400. Considering that a significant correlation at the confidence level of 0.95 (P_value=0.05) was revealed between the population growth and the physical development of Sahand during the statistical period of 1380-1400 (R=0.91), therefore, the fitted regression model between the population growth And the growth of the urban fabric, by placing the proposed population density of this city after the implementation of Mehr housing policies (185 thousand people), it showed that the area of ​​the physical fabric of this city will reach 1181 hectares in the next decade and will face a growth of 38%.
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Volume 16, Issue 42 (9-2016)

Guidance plan does with economic, structure, social and cultural attitude in Iran and this plan has high effect on rural life. Therefore it is essential that we study guidance plan base of rural managers and rural councils attitude. Investigative method was descriptive, analysis (survey method) and research tools were questionnaire. Statistical society includes rural managers and rural council members. Sampling method in rural managers was census method and rural council methods were random sampling method. Number of rural managers was 31 and number of rural council members was 103 respondents (in councils with 3 members we select 3 respondents and in rural councils with 5 members we select 3 respondents). Results shows that guidance plan have positive effect on structure of village. But in economic and cultural dimensions, there is no effect on villages. Maps of guidance plan were weak. Respondent believe that there are low satisfaction about guidance plan among rural managers and rural council members. It is important and we must notice to it.  


Masoumeh Amiribesheli, Hossein Mojtaba Zadeh Khanghahi,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

Land is the most important factor in the physical development of cities; land management has now become one of the most important concerns and concerns of local governments. Also, the sprawling growth of cities has degraded the environment and natural resources around the cities. Meanwhile, due to inadequate and accelerated decision-making, some of the inner-city and inter-contextual capacity of cities for development or redevelopment has been overlooked by urban managers. Cities play an important role in the economic growth of each country, with nearly 60 percent of the GDP of developing countries being produced in cities. They are the main engines of the growth of each country's national economy. The present study attempts to investigate the decision-making patterns of urban land policies in the physical development of Sari. The type of research method is descriptive-analytical and it is of applied nature. The findings of the study indicate that the lack of a clear vision and consequently uncoordinated policies and institutions, centralized and non-cooperative decision making, and excessive tenure without the necessary institutional capacity are the most important reasons for the inefficiency of urban land management policy. Therefore, the appropriate model of government policy in urban land management is integrated urban land management based on clear and necessary vision formulation. Expressing a one-piece strategic policy, and delegating part of the government's powers to the lowest level of local institutions with more specific capacity building, government intervention in the four areas of land management, land use, taxation and construction must be consistent and consistent. Since the government does not have the institutional capacity to perform such verification, it is limited to policymaking and oversight to achieve the policy goals and fulfills part of its verification duties in each of the four domains whilst capacity building the necessary training courses. It moves step by step with the policies adopted to the lowest level of local institutions

Ali Shamai, Seyed Hossein Vahdi Nejad, Soghera Azarshab, Moslem Ghasemi,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

Urbanization and urban growth as a global phenomenon have affected all the countries of the world. Ahvaz city has seen its diverse body tissues throughout its lifeless life. Over time, land use in Ahvaz city has undergone a lot of changes due to the presence of factors and forces that has been unfavorable and has affected agricultural land so much. The main objective of this research is to investigate the physical development of Ahvaz city. This research is applied in terms of nature and descriptive-analytical in terms of methodology. In order to achieve this goal, firstly, the physical expansion in the city of Ahvaz was reviewed in the comprehensive plan approved in 2010, and then 14 indicators were extracted to study the optimal development of Ahvaz city development, which were standardized using Fuzzy Logic (FUZZY) Continued for the optimal model using the ANPDEMATEL combined analysis model. Three levels for the expansion of this city have been identified in combination with OVERLAYFUZZY and GAMA/ 0 in the GIS environment, the output maps were also extracted using the ENVI and ARCGIS software. The results showed that at the level of predictive models of agricultural land with weights of 0.101 and 0.118, the most important factor has been changed in the process of physical expansion of the Ahvaz city. Also, using the map of physical expansion in the year 2010 and the outline map of the level of physical expansion in this study showed that the physical expansion of the Ahvaz city is not consistent with the comprehensive plan approved in 2010.

Rahman Zandi, Najmeh Shafiei, Ebrahim Akbari, Ali Hajizadeh Shikhanlo,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

Natural parameters are one of the main determinants of the physical development of cities and settlements. In a mountainous area, the effects of these factors have become a barrier to development and can have natural hazards. In this research, it is tried to identify the optimal directions of physical development of the city of Nurabad as a relatively high region by identifying its effective factors and evaluating it. To achieve this, seven effective indicators (elevation, gradient, gradient direction, lithology, distance from the fault, distance from the waterway) were used and to assess, model, and predict areas suitable for physical development of the city from Landsat satellite imagery and Models of FUZZY-AHP and Makov and Markov's predictions have been used. So that each of the layers is fuzzy according to the fuzzy membership functions in GIS Arc 10.3 software. An analytical comparison on the appropriate areas of the city based on the critical points with the appropriate zones. Finally, the final map with the two models was classified into five classes. The results of the research showed that up to 1404 horizons of the city were developed eastwards in Although this pathway is not a suitable route, due to the existence of the main Kazeroun fault and the main waterway, the most important risk factors in the city are considered to be the best place for the development of the city of the western and southwestern regions of the region, which is 13% of the area of ​​the basin Includes.

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