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Showing 3 results for Public Space

, Dariush Sattarzadeh, Lida Balilan, Akbar Abdollahzadeh Tarf, Mahsa Faramarzi Main,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Providing suitable urban spaces, especially open and natural spaces, has an undeniable effect on achieving health-oriented cities and especially ensuring the mental health of citizens. The aim of this study was to investigate and explain the effect of social indicators of public spaces on the mental health of citizens. This research is applied in terms of purpose type and descriptive-analytical method. A survey method (questionnaire) was used to collect research data. The statistical population of the study was the residents of Ardabil. The sample size was estimated to be 384 using the Cochran's formula. The research hypotheses were tested through structural equations using Amos software. The results showed that social factors have a positive and significant effect on the mental health of citizens in public spaces of the city. The value of the path coefficient obtained for the effect of the social factor on the mental health of citizens is equal to 0.52 so that this factor is able to predict 0.27 of the variance of the dependent variable, ie the mental health of citizens. The results also showed that social indicators, namely security, social relations and sociability of urban public spaces have a positive and significant effect on the mental health of citizens. Among social indicators, security index has the highest coefficient of path.

Elmira Azimi, Dariush Sattarzadeh, Lida Bolillan, Akbar Abdollahzadeh Tarf, Mahsa Faramarzi Asli,
Volume 20, Issue 59 (12-2020)

The prevalence of chronic health problems is increasing, both in terms of physical health and mental health in modern societies. Meanwhile, the health of individuals in society as human capital is important in advancing the goals of thematic communities. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of physical-environmental factors on the mental health of citizens. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population of citizens living in Ardabil was estimated to be 384 using the Cochranchr('39')s formula. The field data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by formal validity and reliability using Cronbachchr('39')s alpha test and combined reliability. The results of this study showed that legibility and visual quality, access to urban green space, security of urban space, quality of urban furniture, mixing and variety of uses have a positive and significant effect on the mental health of citizens. Considering the value of the path coefficient obtained for the independent research variables, among the identified variables, the quality of urban green space with the path coefficient value of 0.44 had the highest path coefficient and had the greatest effect on the dependent variable, ie mental health of citizens. Also, the mixing variable and the variety of uses with a path coefficient value of 0.21 had the least effect on mental health.
Mrs Maryam Sabokkhiz, Mr Esmail Shieh,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

Human dignity is a concept that can have a significant impact on urban public space. In this sense, it speaks of the value of human beings and their status as a thoughtful and spiritual being. Discovering this valuable feeling in an environment that is widely used by citizens is important to the research. The subjective and interactive nature of this phenomenon The purpose of this study was to analyze explicit inductive qualitative content analysis as a research method and to interpret contextual data obtained from in-depth unstructured interviews and field observations, and its perception among various actors and how human dignity was generated. Used. The data were analyzed through a systematic coding process with the aim of classifying concepts up to three levels of abstraction. The selection of participants in this study was purposeful and aimed at developing concepts to reach saturation. The findings of this study indicate that the concept of socialization is one of the most important factors in people's perception of human dignity. It is conceptualized with other concepts such as loss of personal distance, development of social communication, intimacy, social diversity and unity with the environment and society. Is formed. What is of interest is the relationship between these factors and the complexity of their relationships that have led to the formation of a sense of human dignity in individuals. Although the multifaceted concept of human dignity will be able to accommodate the broad concepts and meanings that are involved in this study The concept of socialization of urban public space has been carefully considered.

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