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Showing 16 results for Resilience

Mr Yaser Nazaryan, Phd Amane Haghzad, Phd Laila Ebrahimi, Phd Kia Bozorgmehr,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Urbanization and increase in urban population as a result of the natural increase in population and rural-urban migration, has led to the concentration of the highest material and spiritual human capitals in these urban settlements. At the same time, various natural and human crises threaten these capitals. Urban management has undertaken various programs to deal with these crises, and the latest approach in this regard is to increase the resilience of cities. The concept of resilience can be discussed in various physical, economic, social and environmental dimensions.
The present study with a descriptive-analytical approach and with the aim of assessing the physical resilience of Tabriz metropolitan areas and determine their status relative to each other. For this purpose, multi-criteria decision making methods (MADM) and hierarchical analysis process (AHP) have been used. Also, 3 models of TOPSIS, VIKOR and COPRAS have been used to rank regions in terms of physical resilience. Finally, the Copeland model was used to combine the results of the mentioned models. The results show that regions 2, 8 and 9 jointly have the highest physical resilience. In the next ranks are regions 1, 10, 3, 7, 5, 4 and finally region 6, respectively.
Yaser Nazaryan, Amane Haghzad, Leyla Ebrahimi, Kia Abozorgmehr51,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Vulnerability is the inevitable result of risks and crises that threaten societies to varying degrees. One of the main threats is earthquakes. The recent approach to disaster management programs is to increase the resilience of communities that have different dimensions. One of them is the physical dimension of urban resilience, which is linked to the components of land use planning. In this research, with the aim of analyzing land use criteria affecting the resilience of Tabriz city and using fuzzy AHP method, research has been done.
Based on the results of the study of theoretical foundations, 13 effective criteria have been identified and the basis of action. The required data were extracted and used from maps and spatial information of urban plans, especially the detailed plan of Tabriz, Then Using ARC Map10.3.1 software, each criterion is analyzed and each criterion is presented in the form of a fuzzy map. Sum, Product and gamma fuzzy operators have been used to achieve the final resilience map. Due to the high accuracy of the gamma operator, its results are considered as the final output.
The results show that in the city of Tabriz, 2% have very low resilience, 40.8%, low resilience,15.3% moderate resilience, 23.5% high resilience and 7.2% very high resilience - based on the Used criteria-. Areas with low resilience are generally located in the north of Tabriz city and correspond to the informal settlement texture and the worn-out texture of the city, which corresponds to the fault line of Tabriz and Micronutrient and permeability are other features of these areas. Due to the high population density in these areas, it is necessary to immediately adopt the necessary programs to improve the quality of physical resilience criteria in the city.

Nahid Bagheri, Mohammad Mohammad, Ezatollah Mafi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

From the time of human life until now, disasters have had a negative impact on human life; In response, individuals and communities are trying to mitigate the consequences of these disasters and establish scales to assess the initial effects; Also respond to the post-disaster needs and return to baseline. To address these challenges and, as a result, improve the quality of life in cities and metropolises, the need for long-term planning and decision-making in solving these problems is more necessary than ever. Therefore, dealing with new urban theories, each with the aim of solving urban problems, improving the quality and quantity of life of citizens in cities, improving the quality of the city environment, city management, advancing the city to become more desirable, and so on. , Is more important than ever. In recent decades, to solve these challenges and reduce its effects on metropolises and large cities, various solutions and perspectives have been proposed, one of which is to pay attention to the concept of resilient city. The present study is descriptive. - It is analytical and practical in terms of purpose. The statistical population of this study consisted of experts and professors familiar with the topics of the city. 35 university professors and experts in the field of research determined the sample size intended to complete the questionnaire. The results of this study showed that the criterion of physical characteristics of tissue with the highest D-R value (0.672) is at the top of the chart and shows that this criterion is the most effective criterion. Also, based on the calculated D + R value, the building quality criterion is the most important criterion. Also, the urban infrastructure criterion was considered as the most influential criterion due to the fact that it has the lowest D-R value.

Mohammad Motamedi, Mohammad Gharavi,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

Cities are dramatically turning into complex social, economic, and environmental systems. Each urban system is vulnerable when it can not adapt to its changing conditions and critical situations. Therefore, in recent decades, natural disaster response approaches have introduced a new concept of urban resilience to prepare for disaster as much as possible. Is. Despite the recent attention and the abundant use of the concept of resilience in different areas of theoretical and practical limitations of this concept, this study aims to explain the causal pattern of resilience of cities. The present research is based on the descriptive-causal methodology. The statistical sample of the study was compiled by 35 experts and specialists in urban planning. Fuzzy Dumbled Fan was used to achieve the research goal. The findings of this study showed that based on the values ​​of D-R, among the four metrics of urban resilience, the physical criterion with the value (0.943) was the most effective measure of resilience in the city. Also, based on the D + R values, the physical criterion with the value of (896/2) was identified as the most important resiliency criterion in the city.

Miss Ameneh Naghdi, Mr Ezzatolah Mafi, Mr Mehdi Vatanparast,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

Natural disasters, which are part of the process of human life, pose a major challenge to the sustainable development of human societies. On the other hand, the unsuccessful implementation of urban regeneration schemes has led to a new phenomenon called sustainability in urban projects, with major approaches to sustainability being the revitalization of urban contexts and the emphasis on regeneration. Therefore, in the present study, quantitative planning matrix has been used to evaluate the regeneration of the worn-out neighborhoods of Faraj city in order to enhance the physical resilience. . The research method in this study is descriptive - analytical and for collecting information besides library documents and studies, questionnaire was used which was distributed among a sample of 30 urban experts. Based on data analysis, Shannon entropy was used to evaluate the physical resilience of Faroj's worn-out tissue sites, and then the studied sites were prioritized in terms of physical resilience. Afterwards, the Vicour method was used to rank the Farouq worn-out tissue localities in terms of physical resilience. Based on the Shannon entropy, it has been concluded that neighborhoods 5 and 7 have been prioritized for physical resilience. Also based on the Vikor method, it has been found that out of the four quarters of the worn-out Faroj textile, the number seven neighborhood has the highest resilience.
Mr Mozaffar Mohamadkhani, Dr Zeynab Karke Abadi, Abbas Arghan,
Volume 20, Issue 59 (12-2020)

The structure of urban resilience consists of four dimensions: social, economic, institutional and physical. In the desired situation, a resilient city has a strong local society with a dynamic and sustainable economy that is governed institutionally and institutionally in a participatory manner. As a result of these super-physical factors, the city is formed in a cohesive manner and no withering is observed at any point. The purpose of this study is to assess the resilience and stability of Semnan in the face of natural hazards (earthquake). The research method in this study is descriptive-analytical and its statistics and information have been obtained using a questionnaire. The statistical population of this study was citizens living in Semnan city. Using Cochranchr('39')s formula, a sample of 384 people was selected from them by random sampling method. To assess the validity (validity), using face validity, the opinions of related people were examined and its reliability was assessed using Cronbachchr('39')s test in the SPSS software environment equal to / 863. It was found to indicate high coordination and reliability of the data. In data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistical tests were used in Spss software. percentage; At the level of inferential statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and sample titech test as well as neural network model were used to examine the relationship between variables. Findings showed that the socio-cultural dimension with an average rank of 2.59 and the physical dimension with an average rank of 3.05 and the economic dimension with an average rank of 2.17 and finally the institutional-organizational dimension with an average rank of 2.56 show the current situation of resilience in Semnan.
Mahdi Mohammadi,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

This paper focuses on convergence with the measures and activities of the global assemblies in order to promote the resilience of cities against earthquakes and to pay attention to their physical- skeletal development process, to analyze the resilience of the city of Zanjan and to design scenarios against the earthquake hazard.   The criteria used in order of priority and importance include: type of structure, building quality, building life, number of floors, occupancy level, enclosure coefficient, building density, grading, distance from the fault, number of units in the building, user adaptability, slope and facade Building, Which are applied in the three earthquake resilience scenarios after analytical hierarchy analysis (AHP) based on (relation No. 1).
According to the maps drawn from the scenarios, the resiliency rate in the central and southern parts of the city was weak and very weak and as far as we move north, west, and east, we increase the amount of physical resilience of the area. However, no resonance images in the scenario maps show any area with a very resilient domain. As in Ramallah scenarios 7 and 8, the resilience is in a non-resilient and very weak domain. The analysis shows that, according to the maps in any of the areas, there is no stability in the resilience That is, no area in the assessment of all criteria is resilient.
Hassan Mahmoudzadeh, Mahdi Herischian,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

The occurrence of unplanned accidents is a global issue, and lack of preparedness and resilience in this area can lead to significant losses. Therefore, restitution is an important way to strengthen urban communities by utilizing their capacity. In this regard, the main objective of this research is to investigate the difference in the level of resilience indices in the three districts of a metropolitan area of ​​Tabriz. This research is in terms of the type of the target and the method is descriptive of survey type. The required data were collected using library studies and field surveys at the household level. The statistical population of the households in region 1 of Tabriz Metropolitan is estimated to be 382 families according to the Cochran formula. After data collection, the analysis of the difference in resilience with ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc test were analyzed. The results of the research show that there is a difference between the regions in terms of the resiliency indicators. So that the least amount of resilience with an average of 173/46 was allocated to households in area one and the largest with average of 252/61, to the area of ​​three regions of a metropolis of Tabriz. On the other hand, the results of the two-to-two-region comparison show that the mean of zone A alleviation in comparison with the two and three regions was 34/931 and 79/157, respectively, and the resilience of the region of two in Comparison with area 3 is 44/226 times lower than that, but the resilience of area 3 compared to the other two regions is 79/157, 44/226 times more. In the following, suggestions for improving the resilience of the study area are presented.

Miss Ameneh Naghdi, The Doctor Ezzatolah Mafia, The Doctor Mehdi Vatanparast,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

Themain purpose of this research is to analyze status of resilience indicesin the worn out and old fabricof Farujcity. Inthis regard, 32 indicators in four dimensions of physical-environmental, social, economic and institutional-managerial were selected based on theoretical studies of the research. In the next step, a questionnairebased on these indicators was designed and distributed among the residents of the study area. A total of 380 households participated in completion of questionnaires. Then, the collected data were entered into SPSS and analyzed by single sample t-test.Four dimensions of resilience were compared with each other and based on average scores. The results indicated that resilience in the institutional-management dimension with the average score of 2.70 is ranked first. Thesecond rank of resilience was for the physical-environmental dimension with a mean score of 2.47. Finally, social and economic dimensions were ranked third and fourth, respectively. Inanother section of the study, the importance coefficient of each indicator was estimated based on experts' opinions. Then, the results were integrated and indicators with higher priorities were identified. In this method, we are looking for indicators with a low average score but a high coefficient of importance. Based on the analysis, we found nine indicators with these characteristics, of which we can refer to indicators such as access to temporary accommodation, awarenessabout the occurrence of natural and human disasters in the neighborhood, the level of awareness about reactions, how to behave appropriately during the crisis, job security, financial strength of residentsto participate in resolving the crisis, and the extent to which the insurance organizations support the residents.
Parichehr Mesri Alamdari,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

One major issue to be considered in today's cities is their resilience which plays an important role in reducing the damage and casualties caused by various natural hazards. These hazards often have devastating effects on human settlements, and resilient settlements in various managerial, physical, economic, and social aspects is a great way to enhance the effectiveness of cities in dealing with a variety of potential and unexpected crises. In this regard, addressing the resilience of cities in different aspects reveals the importance and necessity of research. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing the resilience of cities to natural disasters. The research method is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of methodology. The statistical population includes specialists and experts. FVIKOR model is used to analyze the components and characteristics, and EDAS method is used to show the condition of areas in terms of resilience. The results from Fuzzy VIKOR show the institutional component in the first place with the most score (zero) and the economic component in the last place with the score of 0.287. Also, the results from EDAS in different aspects of the studied areas show high resilience of districts 2 and 5 and low resilience of districts 4 and 8. Generally, more than 50% of Tabriz districts are less resilient.
Ms Zinat Ranjbar, Dr Pari Shokri Firoozjah, Dr Gholamreza Janbaz Ghobadi,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the status of urban resilience in the coastal cities of western Mazandaran province in peak travel conditions. Therefore, in terms of the nature of a descriptive-analytical research, in terms of purpose, it is an applied-developmental research based on survey and field methods. The method of collecting research data was based on the library method, documentation and field survey method (questionnaire tool). The study area is the western coastal cities of Mazandaran province (Noor, Nowshahr, Chalous, Tonekabon and Ramsar). One-way t-test was used to evaluate the status of urban resilience and its various dimensions. The sample cities are then compared and ranked with the Idas multi-criteria decision-making method based on the status of urban resilience and its dimensions. Excel, Spss and GIS software were used in the research stages. The final findings of the study, according to the general result of one-way t-test for the set of urban resilience dimensions, indicate poor resilience of coastal cities in the west of Mazandaran province in peak travel conditions. Also, according to the results of the Idas technique, out of five cities studied, three cities are in weak groups, ie "low resilience status and non-resilience". Therefore, the situation of urban resilience in the western coastal cities of Mazandaran province can be assessed as weak and undesirable based on the indicators of this study.

Nahid Bagheri Maragheh, Mohammad Motamedi, Ezatollah Mafi,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

Explaining the relationship between resilience to natural disasters is in fact how social, economic, institutional and physical capacities affect the increase of resilience in societies. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to investigate the resilience of Shirvan city in the face of earthquakes in which the research method is descriptive-analytical and the statistical population includes experts in the field of urban resilience for this group of 30 people. First, the indicators evaluated to assess the resilience of Shirvan city in the face of earthquake hazards using the ANP model, which were questioned by experts and elites, were 25 indicators in 4 physical, institutional, cultural, social and economic criteria. Paired comparisons were performed. Findings showed that the rate of resilience in Shirvan is low in 65.4% of the city and high in only 19.2% of the city. In other words, in 17 neighborhoods out of 26 neighborhoods of Shirvan city, the rate of resilience in the face of earthquake hazards is low and only in 5 neighborhoods of the city the rate of resilience is high. Therefore, the final results of resilience in Shirvan are 19.2% of the upper city, 15.4% of the average city and 65.4% of the lower city. In general, the results indicate that the resilience of Shirvan is in an unfavorable and unfavorable situation and the rate of resilience in this city is low in the face of earthquake hazards.
Gholam Reza Soroushan, Abdallah Hendiani, Parvane Zivyar Pardei, Ali Tavakolan,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

In recent decades, the issue of resilience has become a specialized and public issue in society. Concepts of resilience in urban communities, which is in fact an action against development at the national level and purely physical development on an urban scale, and an attempt to achieve qualitative standards in the field of urban planning. In the meantime, the issue of resilience in urban communities means that society is able to withstand severe natural disasters without major damage, injury, production stoppage and reduced quality of life, and also at the superficial level, the goal of resilience as an ideal. The world is at the individual, organizational and community level. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of urban governance on urban resilience. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The statistical population of the study consisted of citizens living in Tehran and experts in the field of research. The sample size was estimated for the statistical group of citizens using Cochran's formula 384 people and for specialists 60 people. In order to analyze the information and achieve the research objectives, structural equation modeling in LISREL software environment was used. Findings of this study showed that urban governance has a direct effect on urban resilience so that 0.42% of the variance of urban resilience variable can be explained by urban governance.
Mrs Nazli Pakru, Mr Mir Saeid Moosavi,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

Cities are a place of accumulation of material and spiritual capital of humanity, which is of great importance. This type of settlement, with more than 50 percent of the world's population in it, has become more important in recent years and has been considered for the maintenance of principled and sustainable management of all types of planning. One of these plans has been the resilience of cities. Resilience to the threats and potential hazards that affect it when it occurs.   The concept of resilience has been proposed and discussed in various dimensions and levels. In this research, emphasis is placed on the physical dimensions of urban Resilience. The purpose of this study is to assess the resilience of the 1st district(zone) of Tabriz city against earthquake, which is analyzed using the Fuzzy AHP model. The 8 criteria, include the distance From relief centers, the distance from the centers of harm, the building materials, the quality of the building, the time of the building, the distance from the network of roads, the distance from the green and open spaces and the distance from the fault, is the base of analysis. After preparing the layer for each criteria, Fuzzy layers are extracted using fuzzy functions. Using the SUM, AND, GUMMA operators, the final layers were generated, which was evaluated using the Band Collection Statistics tool, the gamma layer 0.9 was selected as the best output. based on the scenario of gamma 0.9 in the study area, about 26% of the area has very low and low resilience. In contrast, more than 22% of the range is moderate and 51% of the area have a high resilience.

Fatemeh Yadegarifar, Mohammadreza Poodineh, Morteza Esmaelnejad,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

In the meantime it can cause serious and irreparable damage to other social, economic and structural sectors of society. A look at the history of human life on Earth shows that human beings have always been exposed to all kinds of natural hazards. Natural hazards have many types, one of which is drought and water crisis. The recent droughts in Iran and the severity of the damage indicate the continued vulnerability of urban and rural areas. At present, drought management in our country is based on crisis management and thus less attention is paid to drought impacts and preparedness. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the resilience of Zahedan city against water crisis and drought. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of research, descriptive and analytical. The statistical population of the study is all households in Zahedan city based on the census of 1395 168480 households (672589 people). From the household heads, a sample size of 383 people was selected randomly using Cochran formula. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to analyze the findings. The results of one-sample t-test show that the economic, social and institutional resiliency status in Zahedan city is lower than the average (2.815, 2.873 and 2.886, respectively); The results showed that Zahedan city is not in a good position in terms of resilience to drought and water crisis and this city has many water problems in rural areas and Zahedan city. Rural water shortages and droughts have caused extensive damage to farmers and ranchers. The effects of the water crisis on the economic, social and environmental structure of the villages have been very negative and these negative effects have ultimately led to the migration of villagers to Zahedan

Mr Fazllollah Karimi Ghotbabadi, Dr Ali Zangiabadi,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)

Earthquakes resilience, which is actually how social, economic, institutional, geographical, etc. capacities of societies are affected by earthquakes, is one of the issues that should be considered in any society. It is worth noting that the type of attitude towards the issue of resilience and how to analyze it on the one hand, plays a key role in how to recognize resilience and its causes, and on the other hand also influences policies and measures to reduce risk and how to deal with it. The purpose of this study is to rank the resilience of new urban Habitations in the ​​Isfahan Metropolitan earthquake risk using a combined index. Due to the studied components and the nature of the subject, the approach of this research is "descriptive-analytical". The statistical population of this study includes 6 new urban Habitations of Shahin shahr, Majlesi, Sepahan shahr, Fooladshahr, Baharestan and Shahid Keshvari. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in the research literature section, information has been collected through the library method. Based on the results of POSET, Majlesi, Baharestan, Foolad shahr, Sepahan Shahr, Shahin Shahr and Shahid Keshvari Habitations with the sum of options 3, 6, 7, 8, 11 and 14 in terms of the combined index of resilience against earthquake risk, respectively. They have 1-6. Therefore, in order to reduce the adverse effects that resilience has on any community, paying attention to the capacities of each Habitation is one of the issues that should be considered in every community to prevent human and financial losses caused by possible accidents.

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