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Showing 3 results for Site Selection

Ahmad Reza Arabameri, Mohammad Hossein Ramesht,
Volume 16, Issue 43 (12-2016)

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is the natural result of human activities. If an appropriate management system do not use to this problem, it may lead to environmental pollution and jeopardize the human health. Landfill site selection in urban areas is a critical issue due to its huge impact on the economy, ecology, and the environmental health. Therefore, numerous criteria must be considered and the selection process is a complicated since it has to integrate social, environmental and technical parameters. In this study, the most suitable candidate sites for locating landfill in Shahrood-Bastam watershed, as a case study area are determined by using an integration of the Geographical Information System (GIS) and Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. For this purpose, 12 data layers including Elevation, Stream density, Fault density, Habituate density, distance to road, plan curvature, lithology, slope, Temperature, soil, land use and distance to protected area extracted with Arc GIS 10.1 are prepared and one of MCDM methods which is Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is implemented. For determination of criteria weight, analytic hierarchy process was used. Lithology, land use and slope criteria with the highest score (0.24, 0.18, and 0.14) had the greatest impact on landfilling. The results showed that, zone 2 for the reason of low fault and drainage density, suitable distance of Urban areas, appropriate slope, topography and lithology has obtained the lowest Euclidean distance from ideal positive (0.026), the highest Euclidean distance from ideal negative (0.228), and the lowest relative distance from the ideal solution (0.894), as a result, The greatest weight and highest priority is allocated for landfill. The results of this research will be fruitful in systemic management approach of urban regions

Dr. Abdolmajid Lababpour,
Volume 17, Issue 47 (12-2017)

Providing enough microalgae biomass is required for various applications in sectors such as food, medicine and energy. The biomass resources such as land, water, nutrient and carbon dioxide are essential in cultivation feasibility study for biomass production as well as cost benefits. The aims of this research is therefore, site assessment and prioritization of potential site locations, carbon dioxide and water requirement for microalgae biomass production in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea coastal areas. This analysis was undertaken to provide a preliminary assessment of the demands that may be expected on land, water, and CO2 resources in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea coastal areas required for the large volume of biomass feedstock production by autotrophic microalgae. Emphasize was placed on the finding proper sites to achieve higher biomass productivity. The areas were selected to provide examples where geographical differences in water evaporation and solar resources, land availability profiles, water demand profiles and stationary CO2 sources would be possible alternatives for large scale production.

Mrs. Mina Ranjbar Fard, Ms. Hourieh Aarabi Moghaddam,
Volume 19, Issue 52 (3-2019)

Nowadays almost all big cities are confronting heavy traffic and suffering from lack of parking lots which leads in traffic jam. According to the significant role of vertical parking in reducing the traffic load and smoothing the traffic current; this study was carried out with the purpose of presenting a decision support system for vertical parking site selection for mechanical and constructive parking lots by using Fuzzy-DANP method. Each criterion’s correspondent GIS data was acquired from Tehran Municipality for district no.3, 6, 7, 10, 11 and 17 which were chosen according to the corresponding mayors’ opinions of those districts and converted into its specific layer. Each criterion’s weigh was exerted to its determined GIS layer and eventually all those layers were integrated with each other. The final map of GIS output demonstrated a spectrum which determined the most appropriate to inappropriate locations to establish a parking of each type. The final results were shown within a user interface, including the GIS map and the estimated location of the chosen district and parking type. The overall steps mentioned above are forming the DSS of the study. The results showed that setting up mechanical parking in districts no. 3, 6 and 7 is proper. For building constructive parking; all districts are appropriate.

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