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Showing 5 results for Sprawl

Saeed Zanganeh,
Volume 15, Issue 38 (4-2015)


Urban form can be affected by diverse factors in different times. Socio- economic, political and physical factors are among the main contributors. So, one of the most important challenges of urban planners is measuring and identifying urban development pattern in order to direct and strengthen it to sustainable pattern and right direction. The case study of the present paper is the city of Yazd, a middle-sized city in the center of Iran, and the studied years are 1975, 1987, 2000 and 2010. To achieve the main objective of the paper, measuring Yazd growth and expansion by spatial metrics, it has used remote sensing data and satellite imageries and ArcGIS software. The conclusion revealed that in four periods of study, complexity or irregularity of the urban patch shapes has increased, centrality or average distance of the dispersed parts to the city center has decreased, compactness or the number and area of patches their distance from each other has decreased, porosity or ratio of open space has increased and finally population density of city has decreased in a large amount. Therefore, all perimeters show that the temporal - spatial form of Yazd has moved from compact to sprawl. Due to many undesired impacts of urban sprawl, urban planners and authorities are required to use adherent techniques and policies to control urban sprawl and to direct it toward more sustainable directions.

Rasoul Heidari Sourehjani, Ahmad Ali Beigi,
Volume 18, Issue 51 (6-2018)

At present, one of the issues of all cities is the urbanization and, consequently, the development of urban reptile tentacles on parakeet lands, the consequences of which are: Marginalization, destruction of agricultural lands, population growth of cities, failure to respond to certain services and utilities in the city, physical tissue fractures, environmental problems, especially pollution and urban disruption. In recent years, urban sprawl in many cities of Iran particularly, the boundaries of cities are affected by the urbanization process and the need of citizens. New housing has been transformed into user data and land. Considering that the city of Rasht is similar to other cities in recent years, there has been an increase in population, and has made significant changes in the use of urban land in this city. The present study seeks to evaluate the landslide changes in Rasht city during the years 1998-2016, using different patterns. Hence, to find out the type and extent of changes in the data and the factors influencing urban growth in the above area from the available AutoCAD files, detailed plan of Rasht city and also from Landsat TM imagery to measure urban growth in different directions from the hot spot of all urban users based on the proximity and the area, the results are shown Which has the user density to different levels and the breadth of applications in development and urban growth has played a significant role. Also for horizontal expansion of the city Fuzzy and Cause pattern and Markov chain network in Edrisi software is evaluated and shows that over the course of 18 years Rasht area was 4941.76 hectares It reaches 6202 hectares and represents 1260.243 hectares.
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Volume 19, Issue 52 (3-2019)

One of the Challenging problems of Tehran metropolitan region is Air pollution. Suburban expansion in the form of sprawl patterns have created the travels and transportations, due to the dependence on personal vehicles contributes more than 85 percent of creators of air pollution. The article studied the role of transportation in emergence of urban air pollution in Tehran metropolitan region, have population more than 15.98 million. The method of this paper is of analytical and is based on the secondary data and traditions of the Quantitative research methodology. This article have been wrote in the context of Retroductive strategy and meta-analysis method and compositional research traditions. For analysis of suburban spatial transportation have used Raw Data Intra-Urban and suburban Data in 1395 Year And for spatial analysis of air pollution (PM2.5 and PM10), have been used The raw data from sensing stations and Landsat satellite images (OLI) for three selected days in 1392, 1393, and 1395 as survey samples in the ArcGIS software. The research findings indicate that due to the intensity of transportation flows in Tehran metropolitan, the suburb to the suburb, the suburb to the central city (Tehran) and vice versa, Air pollution center Rise cannot be attributed to Tehran alone, as the area of pollutant sources has been distributed within the "Tehran metropolitan region ".So, the amount of spatial correlation between air pollution maps and transportation flow maps in selected days (2 Bahman 1392, 5 Bahman 1393 and Dec. 7, 1395), in all cases indicated high spatial relations (more than 75%), Confirmation the idea of this paper. Analysis of this situation in triple loops also shows that the highest volume of transportation is in the city of Tehran (CBD), suburban and exurban areas, respectively and the distribution pattern and spatial accumulation of pollution are also subject to this situation.

Mr Moslem Nori, Di Rostam Saberifar, Professor Esmaeil Aliakbari,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

The change in the way cities operate and benefit from ICTs, etc., has led to population dispersal, activity, and housing. This trend, along with the devastating social and environmental impacts, has had quite visible and measurable economic consequences. A comparative study would be very helpful to avoid the implications of measuring the occurrence of this process and the impact of national and local factors on it. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to compare the dispersal trend of the two cities of Esfarain and Bojnourd. In this regard, the present study is applied in terms of purpose and analytical-comparative in terms of research method. Required data were collected from documentary library studies and Heldern, Shannon entropy and Gini coefficients were used to analyze the data. The results showed that according to Helderen's model, 84% of physical growth in Esfarain between 1345 and 1345 was related to population growth and about 16% to horizontal and spherical growth. For Bojnourd, this was also about 88% of the population growth and about 12% of the horizontal and spiral growth, which is slightly different from that of Esfarain. The Shannon entropy model also shows the sparse growth of physical expansion in the two cities of Esfarain and Bojnourd. The Gini coefficient calculated for Esfarain city is 0.096 and for Bojnourd city is 0.054 which indicates that population growth (Espalier) of Esfarain city is 0.015% more than Bojnourd city. Since the continuation of such conditions has numerous environmental, social and economic consequences for the residents of the cities concerned, it is advisable to strategically research, control and manage the physical development of the city and utilize the interpersonal development policy.
Dr Arash Ghasemphour, Dr Azadeh Arbabi, Dr Naser Ebadati, Dr Fatemeh Adibi, Dr Maryam Rostam Pishe,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

This research has been carried out with the aim of analyzing and explaining the spatial distribution of Mahshahr port during the years (1981-2021). The research method is descriptive-analytical and practical in terms of targeting. For data analysis, cross-tab, kappa coefficient, sectorial, Heldren and Markov chain models were used. In this regard, Envi 5.3, Terrset, Arc/Gis and Google Map software were used to analyze the obtained information. The geographical scope of this research is the city of Mahshahr according to the census of 2015. Kappa coefficient of Mahshahr port spatial changes map for  1981, 2001 and 2021 is equal to 0.88, 0.94 and 0.94 respectively. The results of this research show that during the years 2001 to 2021, about %75 of the growth of Mahshahr city is related to population increase and %25 is related to horizontal and physical growth. The spreading pattern of Mahshahr port is expanding in the form of clusters in the north, north-west, west and south-west directions. According to the forecast results for the time horizon of 2041, the growth of Mahshahr port will reach from 1657 hectares in 2021 to 2530 hectares in 2041. If there is no optimal management, the dispersal of Mahshahr port and its agricultural lands will undergo many changes in the not-so-distant future, and this will have adverse effects on the residents of this city due to the climatic condition of the city and global warming.


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