Showing 11 results for Topsis
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Volume 5, Issue 6 (6-2006)
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Volume 12, Issue 24 (6-2012)
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Volume 14, Issue 32 (6-2014)
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Volume 14, Issue 34 (12-2014)
Ahmad Reza Arabameri, Mohammad Hossein Ramesht,
Volume 16, Issue 43 (12-2016)
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is the natural result of human activities. If an appropriate management system do not use to this problem, it may lead to environmental pollution and jeopardize the human health. Landfill site selection in urban areas is a critical issue due to its huge impact on the economy, ecology, and the environmental health. Therefore, numerous criteria must be considered and the selection process is a complicated since it has to integrate social, environmental and technical parameters. In this study, the most suitable candidate sites for locating landfill in Shahrood-Bastam watershed, as a case study area are determined by using an integration of the Geographical Information System (GIS) and Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. For this purpose, 12 data layers including Elevation, Stream density, Fault density, Habituate density, distance to road, plan curvature, lithology, slope, Temperature, soil, land use and distance to protected area extracted with Arc GIS 10.1 are prepared and one of MCDM methods which is Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is implemented. For determination of criteria weight, analytic hierarchy process was used. Lithology, land use and slope criteria with the highest score (0.24, 0.18, and 0.14) had the greatest impact on landfilling. The results showed that, zone 2 for the reason of low fault and drainage density, suitable distance of Urban areas, appropriate slope, topography and lithology has obtained the lowest Euclidean distance from ideal positive (0.026), the highest Euclidean distance from ideal negative (0.228), and the lowest relative distance from the ideal solution (0.894), as a result, The greatest weight and highest priority is allocated for landfill. The results of this research will be fruitful in systemic management approach of urban regions
Engineer Elham Azizikhadem, Doctor Kazem Rangzan, Doctor Mostafa Kabolizade, Engineer Ayob Taghizadeh,
Volume 18, Issue 51 (6-2018)
The tourism industry has become a major economic activity in the early years of the 21st Century and is considered one of the most productive and most employment-oriented global industries. Tourism is one of the most important factors generating wealth and employment in the world. It is necessary to plan for the proper exploitation of this industry, The most important steps to plan are to locate sites for providing tourists with the services they need in the form of tourist villages, This research is for the city of Shush which is one of the most important tourist areas of Khuzestan province And since it has many ancient monuments, it has attracted many tourists, , But the city has been at a very low level in terms of having a space worthy of tourists. Therefore, the conditions reinforced the idea of creating a tourism village. In this research, location-based discussion was conducted through a fuzzy inference system, Finally, the Fuzzy Topsis method has been used to protect the environment and to some extent extend sustainable tourism development. The ranking of these sites is based on environmental criteria. In the fuzzy inference system by applying the layers required in this method, four sites are considered to be very suitable.Then, using Fuzzy Topsis, which includes 10 criteria and 4 options, identified the best site on site 4. This site will bring the least damage to the environment, Located on the banks of the Dez River, most of the area has been covered by ground. In terms of maintaining environmental criteria, the site has a completely organic environment than other sites.
Mokhtar Karami,, Rahman Zandi,, Jalal Taheri,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)
In recent years with the development of cities coatings of the Earth's has changed surface. These changes have caused some urban areas to have a few degrees higher than the surrounding temperature. This phenomenon is known as thermal islands. Mashhad is one of the major metropolises in Iran with the problem of thermal islands. Various parameters affect the formation of thermal islands in this city that should be considered. In this study TM, ETM+ and OLI images were used to obtain surface temperature over the period 1987-2016. The study of temporal variations in surface temperature showed that in the studied period, thermal islands were transferred from outside the city to the city. The model for describing the temperature of the surface of the earth has changed and has diminished from the temperature of the city's moderate and cool temperatures, and in contrast, the amount of high temperatures (thermal islands) has increased significantly. The TOPSIS method was also used to obtain the thermal forming factors. 13 natural and human factors affecting the formation of thermal islands were identified. Each expert opinion factor was used to determine the degree of importance. According to experts, the distance from the sanctuary with a weight of %234 and traffic of %155 is the most important and the height with a weight of %022 is least important in the formation of thermal islands. The final results obtained from this model showed that the factors affecting the formation of thermal islands are well recognized and the temperature decreases with these factors.
Dr Hossein Ghazanfarpuor, Mr Moslem Qasemi,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)
Strategic management, program coordinator, which is comprehensive and continuous link with the environment and your organization's top talent, the goal of the organization is managed in a proper implementation. Tuday One of the most important challenges facing large cities is transportation within the city. Lack of strategic planning for urban transport systems also joint ventures that replicate community infrastructure, causing disharmony and conflict with each other and the system, and may have problems connecting subsystems to encapsulation create. The aim of study was to evaluate the performance of systems based on the objectives of the trip and provide transportation Kerman trips and absorption of production / traffic area in planning. Research, analytical - descriptive using traffic assignment models, production, distribution and absorption and to help GIS software and topsis. The results show: Areas 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 42 within the central Kerman, attracting more travel than their neighboring areas.
Mr Morad Ebrahimi, Dr Hasan Afrakhteh, Dr Hamid Jalalian,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)
Although decades have passed since the introduction of a sustainable agricultural approach in the country, But the agricultural system is based on the use of non-native technologies, use of chemical inputs and Excessive exploitation of nature and Therefore, the formation and development of sustainable agriculture has faced major challenges. In this research, the researchers, considering the importance of agricultural sustainability especially in rural areas of the country and its role in maintaining the basic resources, considered the issue of agricultural sustainability In the villages of the central district of kuhdasht county and have studied and analyzed the agricultural sustainability gap in this region. For this purpose, 20 villages were selected by stratified random sampling method based on the location of the villages (plain, mountainous, and foothills), indicators of agricultural sustainability were developed and After completing the questionnaires by agricultural users, coding and data entry were performed in Excel and SPSS. Then, using the TOPSIS multivariate decision analysis, the studied villages were classified based on agricultural sustainability and They were classified into four clusters (Stable, semi-stable, unstable and very unstable) using cluster analysis. The results of the study showed that the agricultural sustainability level in the villages of this region is unbalanced in ecological, social and economic dimensions. This imbalance was seen both in the rural districts and at the level of studied villages.
Mana Taheri, Mohammad Saied Izadi, Hamid Majedi, Zahra Sadat Saeedeh Zarabadi,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)
According to the fact that place identity is influenced by various social, physical, semantic, functional, and natural factors, each of these dimensions has multiple indicators with complex internal relationships; Measuring and evaluating it is a fundamental and complex issue. Therefore, the aim of this study is to "provide a combined model for measuring the identity of place in urban spaces." To achieve this goal, quantitative methods have been used. First, the expert questionnaire with a sample size of 19 people was analyzed in the form of a combination of DEMATEL model and Analytical network process, then the questionnaire of space users with a volume of 384 samples in 12 urban spaces was analyzed by TOPSIS model. The results show that despite the decline in identity in recent decades, Tehran Bazaar as the central core of Tehran's historical district still has an acceptable level, but the further away from the Bazaar, the different dimensions of social, physical, functional, natural and the semantic identity is declining. Also, from a methodological point of view, it can be said that the combined DANP-TOPSIS model is a suitable model for measuring the various dimensions of place identity in an integrated way.
Mr Yaser Nazaryan, Phd Amane Haghzad, Phd Laila Ebrahimi, Phd Kia Bozorgmehr,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)
Urbanization and the increase in urban populations, resulting from both natural population growth and rural-to-urban migration, have led to the concentration of significant material and spiritual human capital within urban settlements. Concurrently, various natural and human-induced crises pose threats to these capitals. Urban management has initiated a range of programs to address these crises, with a contemporary focus on enhancing the resilience of cities. The concept of resilience can be examined across various dimensions, including physical, economic, social, and environmental aspects.
The present study adopts a descriptive-analytical approach with the objective of assessing the physical resilience of metropolitan areas in Tabriz and determining their status relative to one another. To achieve this goal, multi-criteria decision-making methods (MADM) and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) have been employed. Additionally, three models—Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), VIKOR, and Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS)—have been utilized to rank the regions in terms of physical resilience. Ultimately, the Copeland model was applied to integrate the results from the aforementioned models. The findings indicate that regions 2, 8, and 9 collectively exhibit the highest levels of physical resilience, followed by regions 1, 10, 3, 7, 5, 4, and, lastly, region 6, respectively.