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Showing 4 results for Vitality

Dr Pari Shokri Firoozjah, Dr Amir Bakhshi, Mr Javad Puriani, Ms Fateme Alipour Sourkhani,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

In urban spaces various heterogeneous and dissonant elements together cause to environmental disturbances. One of the most impotant of these elements that rarely is noted, is the color. Therefore, this study has been done with the aim of review and assess of color role effectiveness in upgrading quality space of Ramsar Chahrsad Dastgah town. The research method was descriptive-analytic and data were collected through questionnaires and photography. The statistical population of the study was estimated, according to Cochran formula, 300 people. In order to assess of quality indicators according to the role of color were examined 3 main index (spatial perception, readability and identity, diversity and vitality) and 20 variables. To analyze the indicators have been used from sample T-test and RGB models. According to one sample T-test, readability and identity Index with an average of 2.31, diversity and vitality with an average of 2.69 and spatial perception with an average 2.78 have had from least to greatest effect on the quality of the study area. Also according to the color palette extracted from sky, artificial body and vegetation layers, town of Chahrsad Dastgah are not rich in terms of color and promotion of the quality of urban space is not. Generally, in the town of Chahrsad Dastgah has been used less than coloring agent to increase the spatial perception, sense of life and identity.
Behrooz Mohammadi Yeganeh, Mehdi Cheraghi, Fovad Samadi,
Volume 16, Issue 43 (12-2016)

Research goall is survey in the situation of quality of housing and rural vitality and survey of relationship of housing quality and vitality of rural settlements. The population of research is Khawmirabad county (Kurdestan Province, Mariwan Township) with 2737 households. Research method is analytical –description based on questionnaire and it is applicable research . In order to gathering the data we used documentary and field method and interviews and questionnaire based on Likert scale(five – range opinion)has been used. In order to sampling we used random sampling and by using of Cochran formula that sample size is equal to 290 households. In order to analysis of data’s from questionnaire, we used both of Descriptive (mean and deviation) and Inferential(One sample T, Linear regression, Chi- square) Statistics. The results of this study indicate a low level of economic dimensions (2.34) and political (2.97), vitality and quality of housing than the average (2.74). This difference is statistically significant at the alpha level 0.01 numerical difference utility as evaluation and assessment is negative. The results also show that the greatest impact of the quality of housing is on the social dimension with a beta coefficient of 0/570 and the lowest on the economic dimension with 0/077 beta coefficient.

Saeedeh Feizi, Mostafa Basiri,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

The concept of the city's landscape is connected with the objectivity and subjectivity of that city. Therefore, in order to manage this concept at night, in addition to functional-physical manifestations of the city, we should focus on the perceptual issues of citizens, which may have roots in their ancient identity, religion and customs. By accepting this hypothesis, a suitable model for night-time urban landscape management should be considered as a model that reveals both the physical and functional aesthetics of the city, as well as the perceptual and psychological components of the citizens from the night view. Nowadays, with the expansion of night life, the concepts of the quality of the location of urban landscapes at night has became as important as day. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between lighting and the sense of dependency that is one of the key factors in location's quality and the role of new lighting technologies in promoting the Social-physical concept of sense of dependency and its impact on the transformation of the environment into a more humane urban environment. The research is a survey in which, for data gathering, a questionnaire with different images of the study area has been distributed among the selected statistical population. The findings indicate that the vitality and subjective image's of citizens are directly related, and the amount of lighting and its color and the way of lighting have a positive effect on urban nightlife.

Maryam Sanatgar Kakhaki, -Manouchehr Foroutan, Mohammad Mehdi Soroush, Sara Jalalian,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

Vitality is one of the main components in design, but it is a complex and multifaceted concept that overlaps in its physical, social and economic dimensions. Therefore, in this paper, according to the theoretical vacuum of this concept in architecture and considering its interdisciplinary nature, using the model of various types of communication and types of vitality, the fields of psychology and sociology were selected for comparative study of vitality. Then, by using the comparative method by juxtaposing the differences and similarities of vitality in the field of psychology and sociology with definitions in architecture and urban planning, as well as examining the difference between vitality and other similar concepts in architecture and urban planning, including quality. Life, viability, and sustainability were ultimately represented by the definition of vitality and the model of environmental vitality. Therefore, the present study was performed with interpretive paradigm, qualitative approach, comparative method and logic of deductive reasoning, which is explained in terms of theoretical purpose and type of results. The purpose of this study is to answer questions about the definition of environmental vitality, the appropriate approach to research on vitality, the appropriate scale of vitality research, the factors affecting environmental vitality and its evaluation methods.
Key word: Happiness, social vitality, comparative study, environmental vitality
[1] The results of this study show that environmental vitality is a relative concept of place and time that cannot be specifically defined for the vitality of all places in all countries and in all time periods, but rather Factors must be identified locally according to location. Factors affecting environmental vitality in general include experimental and aesthetic, functional and environmental components. The impact of each factor varies according to the culture and local characteristics of the place, which is due to the collectivist culture. And the place of collective happiness in our country, paying attention to the factors of vitality that increase the social aspects of space, attracting and involving people, can be a way forward.

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