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:: Volume 20, Issue 73 (10-2012) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2012, 20(73): 99-128 Back to browse issues page
Aesthetic Analysis of the Phonetic Structure of QaysarAminpour’s poetry
Masoud Rouhani * 1, Mohammad Enayati Ghadikolaee
1- , ruhani46@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (10788 Views)

Poetry is an event that happens in language. In fact, the poet in his poetry works with language and the reader understands the difference between his poetic language and the common language. The Purpose of the poem is to create harmony among its different elements and one way to establish this harmony is through the phonetic structure of poetry. The Formalists and structuralists believe that the basis of poetry is its structure and in their structural studies they give more importance to the phonetic structure.In this article attempt is made to investigate the phonetic structure and the classification of all methods of forming this structure in the poetry of QaysarAminpour as well as the literary devices that shape the phonetic structure. Aminpour is one of the contemporary poets that adopts a classical form and is one of the followers of Nima. He uses the multiple language possibilities to add to the music of his poetry. The phonetic construction in Aminpour’s poetry has three levels: phonetic balance, lexical balance and syntactic balance. He looks at the special features of different components forming the word—phoneme to sentence—and creates artistic beauty in his poetry. He applies various techniques, such as repetition, rhyme, and pun to add to the beauty of the phonetic structure of the poems

Keywords: QaysarAminpour, aesthetic, phonetic structure, phonetic balance, lexical balance, syntactic balance
Full-Text [PDF 384 kb]   (1897 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
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Rouhani M, Enayati Ghadikolaee M. Aesthetic Analysis of the Phonetic Structure of QaysarAminpour’s poetry. Persian Language and Literature 2012; 20 (73) :99-128
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-1540-en.html

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Volume 20, Issue 73 (10-2012) Back to browse issues page
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