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:: Volume 22, Issue 76 (4-2014) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2014, 22(76): 7-26 Back to browse issues page
The Relation of Language and Gender in Shabhaye Tehran
Yadollah Bahmani Motlagh * 1, Behzad Marvi
1- , y_bahmani43m@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (10136 Views)

One of the new questions that should be studied and discussed in novel is the relationship between language and gender. In this paper, which is an interdisciplinary research, the researchers relying on sociolinguistic studies, especially Lykaf’s theory, intend to study the relationship between language and gender in Shabhaye Tehran and discuss the influence of the gender of the author of the novel on its language and the achievement of the novelist in introducing a language appropriate to the gender of the characters.For this purpose, the language of the male and female characters in the novel has been studied on the basis ofcertain variables, such as the use of standard language, imperative sentences, interrupted speeches, collaborative and competitive dialogues, and finally decisiveness and subjugation. The findings show that the language of the characters is influenced by the author's gender. The elements of feminine language have been repeated with a higher frequency and the author in many ways succeeded in creating a language appropriate to the gender of the characters. The deviation of some variables from linguistic standards indicates the feministic tendencies of the author.

Keywords: GhazalehAlizadeh, novel, Shabhaye Tehran, linguistics, language, gender.
Full-Text [PDF 276 kb]   (2733 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
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Bahmani Motlagh Y, Marvi B. The Relation of Language and Gender in Shabhaye Tehran. Persian Language and Literature 2014; 22 (76) :7-26
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2050-en.html

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Volume 22, Issue 76 (4-2014) Back to browse issues page
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