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:: Volume 24, Issue 81 (Published issues 2017) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2017, 24(81): 71-89 Back to browse issues page
Discovery and Development of a Style-Making Figure
Abstract:   (6787 Views)

Styles in the normal course of historical development change and evolve, and in the process of this movement and change, some poets play a vital role. These poets try to be inventive in order to escape banality and repeated and shallow literary traditions, and by creating a rift between themselves and former traditions they introduce new elements.  These artists either create new figures or take an old but neglected one and develop it to give a special flavor to their personal style, or by introducing it to other poets they help in developing a new style. Hafiz is a good example of such artists. This article is an attempt to describe the figure "ambiguous metaphor of irony", as a mixed and already known figure (though unconsciously, not consciously), in the poetry of the poets before Hafiz, his role is highlighted in the rediscovery and serious development of this figure and its moderate use and finally its transference to the Indian style  where it had its highest development.

Keywords: Style, Figure, Ambiguous Metaphor of Irony, Irony, Hafiz
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Discovery and Development of a Style-Making Figure. Persian Language and Literature 2017; 24 (81) :71-89
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2750-en.html

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