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:: Volume 28, Issue 89 (12-2020) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2020, 28(89): 183-205 Back to browse issues page
The Multiplicity of Significations in Hazin Lahiji’s Ghazal Lyrics
Bagher Sadrinia * 1, Mohsen Heydarzadeh2
1- Tabriz University , baghersadri@yahoo.com
2- Tabriz University
Abstract:   (4812 Views)
The use of ambiguity and amphibology in speech, by arranging the setting for multiplicity of significations and delaying the process of meaning comprehension, leaves a significant impression on the creation of  artistic aspects of the literary work and to the extent that the speech is free of such expressive techniques, it turns into a single meaning proposition, and its artistic worth is diminished. In this paper, based on such a presupposition, we have revisited the poems of Hazin Lahiji (1103-1180 A.H.) and examined the multiplicity of significations in his poems at both lexical and textual levels. At the lexical level, some figures of speech such as amphibology and its types, coincidence, and derivative puns pass beyond the limits of significations of the couplet and open new horizons of meaning to the audience. This study confirms that 192 cases of amphibologies were used in his poem. At both the sentence and couplet levels we classified the types of ambiguities and multiplicity of significations and the causes of their emergence into three categories of linguistic, logical and tonal and in each category we investigated and analyzed the techniques used by the poet to create ambiguity and various significations.  
Keywords: Signification, Amphibology, Coincidence, Ambiguity, Hazin, Logic, Language
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: نظریه های ادبی
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Sadrinia B, Heydarzadeh M. The Multiplicity of Significations in Hazin Lahiji’s Ghazal Lyrics. Persian Language and Literature 2020; 28 (89) :183-205
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3867-en.html

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