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:: Volume 29, Issue 90 (7-2021) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2021, 29(90): 25-44 Back to browse issues page
An Analysis of the Position of Lady Heroines in Practical Wisdom: The Case Study of Banu Goshasb-nameh Poems
Roghayyeh Asghary pahnabmahalleh * 1, Bahman Nozhat2 , Shirin Razmjoo2
1- urmia university , rasghari701@gmail.com
2- urmia university
Abstract:   (4129 Views)
The study of mythological and epic works, which narrate the thoughts and ideas of the predecessors and express the history and culture of people’s lives, from the perspective of practical wisdom is a strong evidence to prove the existence of moral principles and customs in ancient Iranian society that continued after Islam. In this research, Banugoshasb-nameh poemswere studied with the aim of analyzing the position of women in practical wisdom. The library research method was used, and the approach of the paper is descriptive-analytical. The results show that Banugoshasb’s actions and behavior are consistent with the components of practical wisdom and she can be called the model of a successful woman in the culture of Iranian ethnic groups who has transmitted moral virtues in a heroic manner. From the point of view of practical wisdom in the field of personal morality, the lady is the wise, brave, chaste, believing and committed daughter of Rostam, the representative of the lady heroines who has become a model of virtue through her behavior and actions. In the field of house management and civil policy, the high position of the lady in the family represents the value of women in the original Iranian culture. Regardless of the attitude of the patriarchal society, she has an independent and militant personality whose femininity has not caused her to be weak in doing things, irresolute and incapable, compared to men. In the family, she is a righteous, brave, and responsible child who acts at father’s discretion (the house manager).
Keywords: Banugoshasb, Lady Heroine, Practical Wisdom, Moral Refinement, House Management
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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asghary pahnabmahalleh R, nozhat B, razmjoo S. An Analysis of the Position of Lady Heroines in Practical Wisdom: The Case Study of Banu Goshasb-nameh Poems. Persian Language and Literature 2021; 29 (90) :25-44
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3927-en.html

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