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:: Volume 30, Issue 93 (1-2023) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2023, 30(93): 87-118 Back to browse issues page
Textual Criticism of the Epic of Jamšid nāmeh
Milad Jafarpour *
Hakim Sabzevari University , m.jafarpour@hsu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (4146 Views)
Jamshid-nāmah is one of the unexplored epics of Persian literature in Central Asia which has presented a detailed independent and completely different account of the events of the life and reign of one of the most important mythological characters of Iran i.e., Jamshid Pishdādi. Whereas the original version of Jamshid-nāmah was written in Persian and its Turkish and Urdu translations were common and published in other regions for some time, most of the epic scholars are not even familiar with it and no mention or explanation of Jamshid-nāmah has been provided in the previous studies. To bridge this gap and using the inductive method the present paper has first introduced the textual features of the narrative in two parts, and then evaluated the elements and motifs of Jamshid-nāmah. 
Keywords: Epic, Jamshid-nāmah, Textual Features, Narrative Elements, Motifs
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Jafarpour M. Textual Criticism of the Epic of Jamšid nāmeh. Persian Language and Literature 2023; 30 (93) :87-118
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4150-en.html

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