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:: Volume 31, Issue 94 (6-2023) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2023, 31(94): 309-336 Back to browse issues page
An Analysis of the Structure of Fi Halat al-Tufulliyah Treatise Based on the Actantial Model of Greimas
Majid Houshangi * 1, Arefeh Hojjati2
1- Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran , m.houshangi@alzahra.ac.ir
2- MA in Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (3114 Views)
In the period of new criticism and with the formation of new methods of narratology, several patterns emerged in the field of narrative recognition and criticism. In the meantime, Greimas’s model, inspired by Propp’s narratology, and relying on the philosophical principle of contrast, tried to analyze narratives based on the six actants of subject/object (goal), helper/opponent, sender/receiver in a new text analysis system. On the other hand, Suhrawardi, in a pre-textual style, and relying on his philosophical data, used the language of narration and allegory to explain his thoughts in such a way that some of his narrations can be analyzed from the perspective of Greimas. Based on a descriptive-analytical method, this research has analyzed the structure of contrasts in Fi Halat al-Tufulliyah treatise. The results indicated that the structure of this narrative is in a layered and nested form, arisen from the thought characteristic and dominant patterns in Suhrawardi’s mind and the presence of actants in this narrative can perfectly be seen and in some micro-narratives it is in the fluidity of roles. On the other hand, despite the presence of all three action elements in the macro-narrative and micro-narratives, the dominant action element can be considered as a covenant that plays a role in the attractiveness of the narrative compared to that of other Suhrawardi’s treatises. Finally, the object/goal alignment in the macro-narrative and the other four micro-narratives would lead to the prominence of this goal i.e., “reaching peace” in his thought system.
Keywords: Narratology, Greimas, Suhrawardi, Fi Hālat al-Tufulliyah.
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houshangi M, hojjati A. An Analysis of the Structure of Fi Halat al-Tufulliyah Treatise Based on the Actantial Model of Greimas. Persian Language and Literature 2023; 31 (94) :309-336
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