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:: Volume 32, Issue 96 (4-2024) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2024, 32(96): 183-208 Back to browse issues page
Reviewing, Analyzing, and Criticizing the Theory of Metonymy
Ahmad Rezāei *
University of Qom , a-rezaei@qom.ac.ir
Abstract:   (20748 Views)
Research on metonymy and related topics in Islamic studies stems from Muslims’ interaction with the Qur’an and their efforts to comprehend the meaning of certain verses. It sparked numerous theological debates among Islamic sects, such as the Ash’arites and the Mu’tazilites, to the extent that some scholars rejected metonymy in the Quran. In addition to theological (Islamic kalam) works, metonymy featured in rhetorical volumes and since the time of Sakkaki it has been transferred from theological to rhetorical works. The main issues in these works relate to the definition of metonymy and truth, the quality of their recognition, metonymy types, and so on. The main debate has been attending to one aspect and neglecting other aspects. Despite the efforts made by Muslim scholars in these works, due to the intermingling of different fields in this subject, current research on metonymy has paid less attention to previous studies. Therefore, the present research has explored this issue from various perspectives while examining the evolution of metonymy studies in the works of Muslim theologians and rhetoricians using a descriptive-analytical method. The results showed that logocentrism, the intermingling of different domains, abstract theological topics, unnecessary divisions, disregard for the functional aspect of language, overlapping types of metonymy, and repetition of the content were the main research barriers. Additionally, one should also mention the neglect of the points made by scholars such as Jurjani and Khatib Qazvini. It seems that if we pay attention to the aspects of information, pragmatics, and the context in the field of metonymy, many problems of its semantic recognition will be solved. On the other hand, dividing this category into metalepsis and compound metonymy as well as their trivial subfields will make us independent from other categories.

Keywords: Metonymy, Rhetoric, Islamic Kalām, Analysis, Criticism
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Rezāei A. Reviewing, Analyzing, and Criticizing the Theory of Metonymy. Persian Language and Literature 2024; 32 (96) :183-208
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