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:: Volume 32, Issue 96 (4-2024) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2024, 32(96): 267-288 Back to browse issues page
The Tree Image in the Poems of Contemporary Modernist Poets
Hamid Rezā Ghorbāni * 1, Mohammad Khodādādi2
1- Yazd University , hamid.gh304@gmail.com
2- Yazd University
Abstract:   (20390 Views)
Trees have special importance in Persian poems. Cultural, religious, mythical, ethical, mystical, and political elements have propositions influenced by trees. Following water and the sun, the tree is an important phenomenon from which special literary elements and situations are created. The creative ways of connecting natural phenomena with human elements have been highlighted by the emergence of various political events in the last century on the one hand, and the creation of many artistic ideas and styles on the other hand. The tree image has found a new and multifaceted effect in modern poetry. Modernist poets give special roles to non-human elements and among these, the tree is a human-like mirror image that shows the evolution of human society in its stature. Using the library method and based on an analysis and explanation of poetic evidence in the thoughts of selected poets the current research revealed that the tree could be an image of personal failures, love, a medium of perception, an indicator of freedom, a representative of an ecosystem, a symbol, a sign of death and nonexistence, and a reflection of tyranny and a denial of human existence under the rule of tyranny.
Keywords: Modern Poetry, Cultural Element, Modernist Poets, Tree
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Ghorbāni H R, Khodādādi M. The Tree Image in the Poems of Contemporary Modernist Poets. Persian Language and Literature 2024; 32 (96) :267-288
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4313-en.html

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