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:: Volume 32, Issue 96 (4-2024) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2024, 32(96): 155-181 Back to browse issues page
Exploring the Aesthetics of Everyday Life in the Collection of Short Stories “Love in the Footnote”
Shahlā Khalilollāhi * 1, Maryam Mousavi Jeshvaghāni2
1- Shāhed University , khalilollahi@shahed.ac.ir
2- Shāhed University
Abstract:   (20883 Views)
In various philosophical traditions from Plato to the present, aesthetics, especially in art, is a historical phenomenon that owes its philosophical foundation to Kant. He considered beauty an independent concept, with the pleasure derived from it being inherent to that concept. Yuriko Saito, a theorist of everyday life aesthetics, believes that everyday life aesthetics addresses the shortcomings of philosophical aesthetics based on art. Thus, aesthetic perspectives and judgments can determine the quality of life, social ethics, and culture in the most authentic form. They can serve as necessary means for expressing the assessment of individuals’ everyday life quality and empower humans to enjoy aesthetic experiences through interactions with artifacts, the surrounding environment, and human interactions. Since narrative accounts contain propositions and capacities that are assessable from the perspective of everyday life aesthetics, and most of them hold true in the real world as well, researchers in this study aimed to analyze and explain the aesthetics of everyday life based on Saito’s approach in three short stories from the collection “Your Love in the Footnote” by Mahsa Mohebali, using documentary and qualitative methods with the help of library resources. The findings of this research indicated that the daily lives of individuals and the role of objects, places, etc., were depicted as symbols of deviance from norms and defamiliarization in human interactions. Despite deviance from norms and defamiliarization in human interactions, the texts of stories provide an experiential framework that ultimately leads to the realization and judgment that savor, beauty, the sublime, and its opposite, ugliness, have indeed taken shape in these stories.

Keywords: Aesthetics, Short Story, Everyday Life Aesthetics, Love in the Footnote, Mahsā Moheb Ali
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: نظریه های ادبی
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Khalilollāhi S, Mousavi Jeshvaghāni M. Exploring the Aesthetics of Everyday Life in the Collection of Short Stories “Love in the Footnote”. Persian Language and Literature 2024; 32 (96) :155-181
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4338-en.html

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