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:: Volume 14, Issue 55 (3-2007) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2007, 14(55): 19-36 Back to browse issues page
Why is Nima called "Ai Adamha" Poet ?
Taghi Pournamdarian *
Abstract:   (9034 Views)

Often readers and even critics believe that the ideology and message of poems are more important than their structures. However, it's impossible to draw a distinction between ideology and structure as the structure of a poem is the primary element that influences the readership. Nima ,as the architect of the contemporary poetry relying on his own sharp and independent insights, revived the significance of the structure in Persian literature. Many enthusiastic readers and even critics of the field of cotemporary poetry have considered Nima as the poet of 'Ai Adamha'. This paper attempts to explore why Nima has been called Ai Adfamha poet. Obviously, the significance of the poem 'Ai Adamha' and similar poetic structures lies in their literary figures and expectations embedded in their novel forms than their frequent content and message. The repetition  of the dominant element of Ai Adamha in the structure of the poem has, in addition to strengthening the skeleton of the poem, enhanced the syntactic integrity, musical system, coherence, and creative opening and ending of the poem. This article attempts to analyze 'Ai Adamha' from a formalistic perspective and in doing so it paves the way for the readership to delve into the less frequently uncovered senses of the contemporary poetry.

Keywords: Nima's poem, contemporary poetry, dominant element, form and meaning
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Type of Study: Research |
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Pournamdarian T. Why is Nima called "Ai Adamha" Poet ?. Persian Language and Literature 2007; 14 (55) :19-36
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-922-en.html

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Volume 14, Issue 55 (3-2007) Back to browse issues page
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