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:: Volume 17, Issue 65 (11-2009) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2009, 17(65): 15-45 Back to browse issues page
Reflections on Khavari Shirazi’s Life and Poems
Seyyed Mahdi Nourian * , Seyyed Ali Asqar Mirbagheri Fard , Bahram Sha’bani
Abstract:   (8759 Views)

By the crowning of Fatali Shah Ghajar, poetry found a better position and status compared with the previous periods of Zands and Afsharids. The Ghajar king who was a poet himself and whose pen name was khaghan began to support poets and with the formation and establishment of the new center of restoration movement in Tehran, many poets directed their steps from around the country toward the capital of Iran, Tehran. Khavari Shirazi is one of the poets who immigrated from Shiraz to Tehran and by relying on his inherent talent and practicing letter writing and historiography, and poem recitation in the literary circles of the capital, turned into one of the relatively known poets and writers of his era and left many complete poetical works embracing more than seven thousand couplets of different forma such as elegy, ode, compounds of stanzas , mathnavi, quatrain and poems stanzas. In this paper, after providing a brief study of poetry status in Afshar era , up to the end of Fatali shah's period , the  biography, the works, the Divan of the poetry and the compilation of the Divan and style of Khavari shirazi are analyzed in details.

Keywords: Poetical works, Poetical form, Style, Figures of speech, Literary return.
Full-Text [PDF 212 kb]   (2331 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
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Nourian S M, Mirbagheri Fard S A A, Sha’bani B. Reflections on Khavari Shirazi’s Life and Poems. Persian Language and Literature 2009; 17 (65) :15-45
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-951-en.html

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Volume 17, Issue 65 (11-2009) Back to browse issues page
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