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:: Volume 18, Issue 67 (4-2010) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2010, 18(67): 7-43 Back to browse issues page
An Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence in a Ghazal by Hafez from a Systemic Functional Linguistics Viewpoint
Taqi Pournamdarian * 1, Tahereh Ishani
1- , pournamdariyan@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (10702 Views)

Some literary critics have often engaged in debates on the degree of overall cohesion and coherence across the couplets of the Hafez ghazals: some maintain that the Hafez’s ghazals lack coherence; some others believe that there is cohesion and coherence in the nature of the couplets. This paper presents an analysis of the overall coherence in a ghazal of Hafez- that has a weak cohesion apparently- by using a linguistics framework laid out by Halliday and Hasan (1976 & 1984). Based on this theory, although cohesion is an important property of a text, just finding the cohesive elements does not show that the text is coherent. Rather, after finding these elements, it is necessary to show coherence in a text based on Cohesive Harmony. After doing this analysis, we have found that this ghazal has a very high cohesion and coherence. So, by utilizing this theory - that is a scientific method-  we can probe the degree of  cohesion and coherence in any ghazal of Hafez or other literary texts quantitatively. 

Keywords: Cohesion, Coherence, Cohesive Harmony, Ghazal, Hafez
Full-Text [PDF 6849 kb]   (2415 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
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Pournamdarian T, Ishani T. An Analysis of Cohesion and Coherence in a Ghazal by Hafez from a Systemic Functional Linguistics Viewpoint. Persian Language and Literature 2010; 18 (67) :7-43
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-964-en.html

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Volume 18, Issue 67 (4-2010) Back to browse issues page
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