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:: Volume 18, Issue 68 (7-2010) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2010, 18(68): 69-89 Back to browse issues page
Non- narrative structures in the contemporary Poetry of the Persian literature
Mohammad Khosravishakib *
Abstract:   (8934 Views)

Critics’ includingVimsat, Brooks, Pen Waren and Renewelek, in their evaluation of poems have focused on differentiating features of classical poetry and modern poetry.Compared with the North branch of literary criticism, the South branch of New criticism has explored the formalistic and structural features of poems. Brooks in his book entitled modern and classical poetry maintains that the formalistic nature of poem stems from an array of intricacies of the corresponding society. Further, he adds that critics should delve into literary works in order to capture the details. Brooks in juxtaposition with narrative system of classical poem tries to establish four categories of formalistic system including categorical, rhetorical, abstract, and associational in the modern poetry. Brooks assumes that non- narrative systems are more complex than narrative ones and sometimes they can be integrated. This results in more density and difficulty in poems. This article probes the possibility of criticizing the contemporary poetry of Persian literature accoding to non- narrative forms.

Keywords: Criticism, Contemporary poetry, Formalistic system, Non- narrative form
Full-Text [PDF 204 kb]   (2027 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
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Khosravishakib M. Non- narrative structures in the contemporary Poetry of the Persian literature. Persian Language and Literature 2010; 18 (68) :69-89
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-973-en.html

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Volume 18, Issue 68 (7-2010) Back to browse issues page
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