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:: Volume 19, Issue 71 (12-2011) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2011, 19(71): 7-28 Back to browse issues page
A Formalistic Approach to Gheisar's Poetry from the Perspective of Deviation from Norms
Yadollah Bahmani Motlagh * 1, Esmail Rahai
1- , y_bahmani43m@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (8105 Views)

In contemporary Poetry, especially in Gheisar's poems, various political, social and economic factors are included. Moreover, the content of these poems is closely related to revolution, war, martyrdom, and the regret of being left from martyrs' convey. However, there is a pressing need to investigate literary factors from a formalistic and objective stand point. One of the formalistic aspects in analyzing poems and literary texts in general is foregrounding which includes deviation from norms and establishing norms. Deviation from norms, as a new perspective in literature and poetry, is among the most substantial aspects of contemporary Poetry. Putting These techniques into practice, the degree of a poet's success becomes clear in developing a deep sense of freshness, more coherence and systematization in a poem, as well as reinforcing the musical dimension and leaving deeper impression. This paper attempts to answer the question whether Gheisar as a poet and artist has indeed created a piece of art in his poems in terms of deviation from norms. If so, in what dimensions has he used this artistic technique more frequently?  A follow-up question is an evaluation of his work from this perspective. Since Gheisar's poems can be discussed adequately from this perspective, in terms of deviation form norms, their style, dialect, terminology, syntax, written format, semantics, temporal and phonetic aspects are also investigated.

Keywords: Gheisar's poetry, Deviation from norms, Foregrounding
Full-Text [PDF 225 kb]   (1615 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
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Bahmani Motlagh Y, Rahai E. A Formalistic Approach to Gheisar's Poetry from the Perspective of Deviation from Norms. Persian Language and Literature 2011; 19 (71) :7-28
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-991-en.html

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Volume 19, Issue 71 (12-2011) Back to browse issues page
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