Shafabakhsh S R, Shafizadeh M, Dehkhoda M R. Effects of training and Fitness Education on the Health-Related Physical Fitness Factors in Adolescent Students: Evaluating the Mediating Role of Knowledge and Internal Motivation. JRSM 2012; 2 (3) :1-14
Abstract: (11413 Views)
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of exercise and fitness education on physical fitness factors. 84 healthy non-athlete student (mean age 12.5±0.49 yrs, mean height 153.8±6.1 cm, mean wieght 46.25±7.3 kg) who had not regular activities for more than 6 months were voluntarily participated in this study. They were randomly divided among three groups: training-education (n=28), training (n=28) and control (n=28). The health-sports, the researcher made scientific the Dessi-Ryan motication questionaires and health-relaeted physical fitness factors were used to collect data. To analyse data MANOVA, simple variance analysis and LSD were used. Results showed a significant differences among groups. The follow-up test results showed that the cardio-respiratory endurance in training-education group were significantly greater than other groups. Flexibility and abdominal endurance muscles in control group were lesser than other groups. In conclusion, training along with education can have a better effect on physical fitness factors.
Type of Study:
Research |
Accepted: 2022/03/31 | Published: 2012/09/15