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1- , mehrandavoodi73@ut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (5630 Views)
The purpose of the present study was to investigate Effect of self-regulation from biofeedback exercises on the learning of dart throwing skill under pressure conditions. Participants were 28 undergraduate male students of the University of Tehran who were selected in an accessible manner as they were right-handed and had no experience in dart throwing and working with biofeedback devices. These numbers were randomly divided into four groups of visual, auditory, combined and control biofeedback. The number of biofeedback training sessions was 4 sessions with pre-test, post-test and retention sessions in 4 weeks. The results of analysis of covariance and mixed analysis of variance with repeated measures showed that visual, auditory and combined biofeedback training had a significant effect on the learning of dart throwing skills under pressure (P <0/05). According to the research findings, it is suggested to use biofeedback of temperature and galvanic response of the skin, visually, audibly or in combination, to learn darts throwing skills and skills similar to and close to darts throwing skills, as well as feedback of biofeedback sessions. Prioritize the combination biofeedback to see the best results.

Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: motor behavior
Received: 2019/10/9 | Accepted: 2021/02/23 | ePublished ahead of print: 2021/02/23

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