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1- Sport Science Research Institute , zareian.h@gmail.com
2- Sport Science Research Institute
3- Guilan University
4- Kharazmi University
Abstract:   (3318 Views)
The outbreak of Covid-19 disease has had several effects on the sports industry in general and championship and professional sports in particular. One of these effects was the one-year postponement of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics as the world's largest sporting event. The main question of the present study was whether the postponement of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics is an opportunity or a threat for our country's sports caravan? In order to answer this question, grounded theory qualitative research method was used. Grounded theory includes several styles that were used in this study through the emerging finding of Glaser (1992) in data analysis. Sources used include interviews with athletes, coaches, veterans, experts, experts, and officials, as well as news and documents published on reputable Internet portals, including the International Olympic Committee website, the National Olympic Committee website, and the website of the Olympic Games Federations of the Month. 2019 to March 2020. Logical induction method was used to analyze the data during three stages of open, axial and selective coding. The results indicate that a total of 92 independent initial marks were generated in the extracted codes. These signs were then classified into 38 signs due to their multiplicity, which was based on conceptual and semantic similarity. As a result, sub-symptoms were classified into 12 sub-categories. Among these, two main categories of opportunities and threats of postponing the Tokyo 2020 Olympics emerged. Opportunity codes include 6 items (maintaining the health of athletes and people, increasing fitness, earning quotas, improving injuries, coherent planning, increasing youth experience) and also codes identifying threats of postponement of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics include 8 items (physical and mental injuries, disorder). In the training program, there was a decrease in the level of performance, athletes' injuries, athletes' retirement, uncertainty of quotas, coaches' contracts, financial difficulties). According to the results, the one-year postponement of the Olympic Games due to the outbreak of the Corona virus can be considered an opportunity for athletes to gain more experience and plan by the federations and the International Olympic Committee, which can increase the chances of the country's athletes winning medals Upgrade.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: sport management
Received: 2021/12/18 | Accepted: 2022/10/11 | ePublished ahead of print: 2022/10/11

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