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ahmadi A. Landslide susceptibility assessment Using Shannon Entropy Model in Folded Zagros, Case Study: Varansara basin. Journal of Spatial Analysis Environmental Hazards 2023; 10 (1) :127-142
URL: http://jsaeh.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3195-en.html
1- , a.ahmadi@razi.ac.ir
Abstract:   (3178 Views)
Extended abstract
Landslide risk zoning is one of the basic measures to deal with and reduce the effects of landslides. Vernesara watershed is one of the areas where many landslides have been observed in different parts of it. In this research, in order to zone the risk of landslides using the entropy index, first the ranges of landslides were determined, then the effective factors in the occurrence of range movements were prepared in the ArcGIS software environment, and a landslide susceptibility map of the studied area was prepared. . The prioritization of effective factors using Shannon's entropy index showed that the slope layers, land use, surface curvature, topographic humidity index and topographic position index had the greatest effect on the occurrence of landslides in the region. Also, zoning landslide sensitivity with the mentioned model and evaluating its accuracy using the ROC curve shows the very good accuracy of the model (79.6 percent) with a standard deviation of 0.0228 for the studied area. The zoning map shows that the low-risk areas cover only 13% of the area and more than 56% of the area is in the area with high risk of landslides, which indicates the high potential of the area in the occurrence of landslides. . Construction at a distance from fault lines, waterways and the steep Asmari Formation and safety of communication routes are the most important measures to reduce the amount of damage caused by landslides in Vernesara watershed.
Key words: natural hazards, landslide, entropy, folded Zagros.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/01/5 | Accepted: 2023/06/20 | Published: 2023/10/4

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