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hosseini giv B Z, kiani S, eftekhari S M, saghafi M, esmaeili S. Morphotectonic evidence investigation of growth young fold Giv and its relationship with the region earthquakes in North eastern of Lut block. Journal of Spatial Analysis Environmental Hazards 2023; 10 (2) :203-218
URL: http://jsaeh.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3428-en.html
1- PhD student of Geomorphology, Department of Natural Geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
2- Assistant Professor in Geomorphology, Department of Natural Geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran. , kiani@hu.ac.ir
3- Assistant Professor in Geomorphology, Department of Natural Geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
4- Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Payam Noor Birjand University, Birjand, Iran.
5- Earthquake Researcher, Geological Organization of Tabriz Center, Tabriz; Iran
Abstract:   (2539 Views)
Today, in addition to exploiting environmental resources, humans must be able to recognize environmental hazards and try to reduce their damages. The location of Iran in the Alpine-Himalaya mountain belt has made Iran one of the high-risk seismic areas, and the east of Iran is no exception to this rule. The fault activities of eastern Iran, especially east and west of Lut, are a serious threat to the residents of eastern Iran. The activity of old and young faults and the emergence of new faults have provided the basis for the occurrence of destructive earthquakes in these areas. And it still continues and has been able to provide problems for the population living in the east of Iran.
The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of the Giv fault system in the occurrence of morphotectonic evidence and active tectonic analysis in the studied area, which has achieved favorable results according to the model used and the studied sources. The model used in this research, which is derived from similar examples in foreign sources, mostly deals with the destructive aspect of tectonics and has achieved the desired goals. Based on this, it should be seen if the morphotectonic evidence of the Giv fault system can be a sign of more activity and more threat in this part of the range (southern domain of Baghran mountains) or not? After studying various sources, the sources that answer the research questions were selected and further analyzed, and the conceptual model derived from these sources, which has a qualitative-analytical aspect, was used. Therefore, according to the main objectives of this research, which follows the destructive and instantaneous tectonic aspect, sources were selected that provided the most information to answer the research question, the sum of the information expressing the active tectonics in the studied area.
Research Methodology
The Giv fault system is a part of the Nehbandan-Kash fault in the east of the Lut block, and in the Giv plain, north-east of the Lut, with an almost west-east direction, it passes through the south of the Giv village and continues to Deh Mir and Karijgan in the west of the Giv plain. Giv village is located in Khosf County in South Khorasan province and in the center of Giv plain, south of Baghran Birjand Mountains and north of Shah Mountain.
The current research is of applied and developmental research type, and according to the history of seismicity of the region and historical data, it can be a step in the direction of knowing the seismic risk areas and also reminds the local residents to be more prepared. The conceptual model used in this research, which is derived from similar foreign examples, examines mostly the destructive aspect of tectonics.
In this research, the library work started by collecting and receiving a series of domestic and foreign sources, followed by the translation of foreign sources over a long period of time. Also, statistics and information were received from Geological Organization and Geophysics Institute, Birjand University, Birjand Seismological Center. Field studies, interviews, surveys and field measurements, using geological and topographic maps and satellite images, and using Google Earth and Arc GIS software, analysis and synthesis of information were carried out. Most of the data were used as qualitative data and to some extent quantitative data in the analysis.
Result and Discuction
The morphotectonic evidence in the studied area indicates a high risk of seismicity in the Giv fault pack, which is more dangerous than other parts of the Giv fault system.All the evidences such as uplift and cliffs in the south of Giv, significant change of the bridge river near the mouth and bed digging in this section show the uplift and activity of the South Giv fault and the travertine formation associated with the earthquake in the south of Giv, as well as the evidence of the growth of the Young Giv fold in 5 km. North of Giv village, such as the deviation of Pol and Minakhan rivers and excavation of the Minakhan river bed (Antecedence phenomenon), the presence of three generations of alluvial fans in the vicinity of the Young Giv fold, all indicate active tectonics and the rise of the Giv fold and the occurrence of destructive earthquakes. All the above-mentioned evidences are a serious alarm for the residents of Giv fault, especially Giv village, and require more study work, strengthening of villages, and proper planning for construction works so that the past tragic events of Giv village do not repeat in the future and this issue is taken into consideration in the discussion of land development.
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Received: 2024/02/2 | Accepted: 2023/09/1 | Published: 2023/09/1

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