Effects of plant hormones and salicylic acid growth micrografting of neem (Azadirachta indica A.Juss.) shoot apex onto persian lilac (Melia azedarach L.) rootstock seedlings. Journal title 2005; 18 (50) :349-358
Abstract: (6165 Views)
Neem (Azadirachta indica A.Juss.), native to the arid regions of Indian subcontinent, is a valuable tree because its fast growing rate and many technological importanc applications. We examined micrografting of the highly interested A.indica onto Melia Azedarach L. (Persian lilac) rootstock seedling, with the objective of estimating the resistance of this :::union::: to cold treatment afterwards. In these micrografting experiments the age of rootstock, the localization of graft and hormonal treatments during the time course of growth were examined under in vitro condition and after transfering to soil. The best shoot tips graft success was found on young rootstock(40.1%) in lateral hypocotyls position. Exogenous auxine in association with cytokinine was necessary to the best :::union::: and growth.In contrast effect of treatment increased amount of 18.33%in compare to control. If salicylic acid showed an inhibitory effect on the graft-take amount of 3% in compare to control,but salicylic acid treatment cause the highest grafting success amount of 8.33% in compare to control , signifying a useful role of salicylic pretreatment in acclimatization to soil conditions for these grafted plantlets.
Published: 2005/10/15