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Abstract:   (3196 Views)
Since identifying the best way of performing the Judan Mai-Mawashi-Geri technique is one of the concerns of coaches and karatekas, the aim of this study was to compare the selected kinematic variables of four methods of implementing the Judan Mai-Mawashi-Geri technique by elite male karatekas. Eighteen elite male kumite practitioners voluntarily and purposefully participated in this study. Five markers were attached to the anatomical points of the hitting foot. The four methods of implementing the Judan Mai-Mawashi-Geri technique were filmed by three Hero3 cameras at an imaging speed of 240 Hz. Using SkillSpector software (version: 1.3.2), the resultant of the peak velocity of the lower limb joints, total distance, total velocity, and total acceleration was directly obtained. The one-way analysis of variance and the Bonferroni post-hoc test (p≤0.05) were used with SPSS software (version: 22) for statistical analysis due to the normality of data distribution. The results showed a significant difference in the four methods of performing the Judan Mai-Mawashi-Geri technique in the peak velocity of the pelvic, knee, and ankle joints as well as total distance, total velocity, and total acceleration. According to the research results, the first method of implementation can be recommended as a more efficient technique to kumite practitioners due to its high speed and the possibility of scoring in the shortest time interval and because it closes the opponent’s attack route, compared with Dai and Deashi tactics.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: sport biomechanic
Received: 2022/09/26 | Accepted: 2023/06/7

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