Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2017)                   nbr 2017, 4(3): 255-263 | Back to browse issues page

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Khakshoor M S, Pazooki J. Extraction of α-, β- and γ-chitosan from Portunus segnis, Sepia pharaonis and Aspergillus niger, and comparison of their antimicrobial activities. nbr 2017; 4 (3) :255-263
URL: http://nbr.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3015-en.html
Shahid Beheshti University
Abstract:   (7073 Views)
Three types of chitin as α (exoskeleton of crustaceans), β (cuttlebone of cephalopods) and γ (some fungal cell wall) exist in nature. Chitosan is the most important derivative of chitin, which has various biological activities. In this study, α, β and γ-chitosans were extracted from Portunus segnis exoskeleton, Sepia pharonis cuttlebone and Aspergillus niger cell wall, respectively. Samples of crab and sepia from Bandar Abbas coastal waters were gathered in the summer of 2014 and samples of Aspergillus niger (PTCC 5223) were obtained from the Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST). The amount of chitosan extracted from the Crab was significantly higher than other samples. Antimicrobial properties of these three types of chitosan were explored against 9 bacterial and 2 fungal strains using disc diffusion method. On average α chitosan and γ chitosan revealed to have highest and lowest antimicrobial activities, respectively. Antibacterial properties of chitosan extracts were more than their antifungal properties. Gram negative bacteria as well as gram positive bacteria were sensitive to three types of chitosan. According to observed results, all three types of chitosans have good antimicrobial activities, and further investigations are suggested.
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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Animal Biology
Received: 2017/12/9 | Revised: 2018/01/4 | Accepted: 2017/12/9 | Published: 2017/12/9 | ePublished: 2017/12/9

1. Al Sagheer, F.A., AL Sughhayer, M.A., Muslim, S. and Elsabee, M.Z. 2009. Extraction and characterization of chitin and chitosan from marine sources in Arabian Gulf. – Carbohydr. Polym.77: 410-419.
2. Alishahi, A., Mirvaghefi, A., Tehrani, M.R., Farahmand, H. and Shojaosadati, S.A. 2011. Enhancement and characterization of chitosan extraction from the wastes of shrimp packaging plants. − J. Polym. Environ. 19: 776-783.
3. Antonio, M, Susan, E., Sonia, P. and Maria, L.N. 2008. In vitro antimicrobial activity of garlic, oregano and chitosan against Salmonella enterica. – World. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 24: 2357-2360.
4. Bolat, Y., Sengul, B., Ali, G., Levent, L., Seval, B.K., Soner, C. and HabilUgur, K. 2010. Chitin-chitosan yield of freshwater crab (PotamonPotamios, Oliver 1804) shell. – Pak. Vet. J. 30: 227-231.
5. Chellaram, C., Sreenivasam, R.S., Jonesh, S., Anand, T. P. and Edward, J.K.P. 2009. Bioactive potential of coral associated gastropod, Trochus tentorium of gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. − Biotech. 8: 456-461.
6. Chio, B.K., Kim, K.Y., Yoo, Y.J., OH, S.J., Chio, J.H. and Kim, C.Y. 2001. In vitro antimicrobial activity of a chitooligosaccharide mixrure against Actonobaci-llus actinomycetemcomitans and Streptococcus muta-ns. – Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents. 18: 553-557.
7. Cuero, R.G. 1999. Antimicrobial action of exogenous chitosan.− Exs. 87: 315-333.
8. Entsar, S.A., Khaled, S.A.N. and Maher, Z.E. 2008. Extraction and characterization of chitin and chitosan from local sources. – Bioresour. Technol. 99: 1359–1367.
9. Entsar, S.A., Khaleh, S.A.N. and Maher, Z.E. 2008. Extraction and characterization of chitin and chitosan from local sources. – Bioresour. Technol. 99: 1359-1367.
10. Hajji, S., Islem, Y., Olfa, G.B., Hajji, R., Rinaudo, M., Nasri, M. and Jellouli, K. 2014. Structural differen-ces between chitin and chitosan extracted from three different marine sources. – Int. J. Biol. Macr-omol. 65: 298-306.
11. Kong, M., Chen, X.G., Liu, C.S., Liu, C.G., Meng, X.H. and Yu, LJ. 2008. Antibacterial mechanism of chitosan microsphers in a solid dispersing system ag-ainst E. coli Colloids and Surfaces B. – Biointerface. 65: 197-202.
12. Lee, K.M., Shim, H., Lee, G.S., Park, H., Lee, O.S., Lim, S.C. and Kang, T.J. 2013. Chitin from the extract of cuttlebone induces acute inflammation and enhances MMP1 expression. – Biomol. Technol. 21: 246-250.
13. Lim, S. and Hudson, S.M. 2003. Review of chitosan and its derivatives as antimicrobial agents and their uses as textile chemicals. – J. Macromol. Sci. 43: 223-269.
14. Manni, L., Olfa, G.B., Jellouli, K., Younes, I., Nasri, M. 2010. Extraction and characterization of chitin, ch-itosan and protein hydrolysates prepared from shrimp waste by treatment with crude protease from Bacillus cereus SV1. – Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 162: 345-357.
16. Nadarajah, K., Kader, J., Mazmira, M. and Paul, D.C. 2001. Production of chitosan by fungi. – Pak. Vete. J. 4: 263-265.
17. Natarajan, K., Riyaz, A.B. and Rengarajan, S. 2011. Pr-oduction and evaluation of chitosan from Aspergillus niger MTCC strains. – Iranian J. Pharm. Res. 10: 553-558.
18. No, Kh., Park, Y.N., Lee, H.S. and Meyers, P.S. 2002. Antimicrobial activity of chitosan and chitosan oligomers with different molecular weights. – Int. J. Food. Microbiol. 74: 65-72.
19. Patterson, E.J.K. and Murugan, A. 2000. Screening of cephalopods for bioactivity. – Phuket. Mar. Bio. Cent. Spec. Pubi. 21: 1253- 1256.
20. Pochanavanich, P. and Suntornsuk, W. 2002. Fungal chitosan production and its characterization. – Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 35: 17-21.
21. Pranee, L., How, N.C. and Chandrkrachang, S. 2002. Effect of chemical treatment on the characteristics of shrimp chitosan. – Journal of Metals Materials and Minerals. 12: 11-18.
22. Qaralleh, H., Idid, S., Saad, S., Susanti, D., Taher, M. and Khleifat, K., 2010. Antifungal and antibacterial activities of four malaysian sponge species (Petrosii-dae). – J. Med. Mycol. 20: 315-320.
23. Raafat, D., Bargen, K.V., Haas, A. and Sahl, H.G. 2008. Insights in to the mode of action of chitosan as an antibacterial compound. – Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74: 3764-3773.
24. Rhazi, M.J.D., Tolaimate, A., Alagui, A. and Vottero, P. 2000. Investigation of different natural sources of ch-itin: influence of the source and deacetylation process on the physicochemical characteristics of chitosan. – Polym. Int. 49: 337-344.
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26. Sânia, M.B., Andrade, R.L., Brismak, G., Rocha, D.B. and Alcione, O.G. 2012. The Use of exoskeletons of shrimp (Litopenaeus vanammei) and crab (Ucides cordatus) for the extraction of chitosan and production of nanomembrane. – Material Sci. Appl. 3: 495-508.
27. Sasikala, S.L. and Chitra, S. 2009. Antibacterial activity of prawn exoskeleton extract against marine and estuarine pathogenic bacteria. – J. Cell. Tissue. Res. 9: 1975-1979.
28. Selvin, J. and Lipton, A. 2004. Dendrilla nigra, a marine sponge, as potential source of antibacterial substances for managing shrimp diseases, India. Aquaculture 236: 277-283.
29. Seyfarth, F., Schliemann, S., Elsner, P. and Hipler, U.C. 2008. Antifungal effect of high-and low-molecular-weight chitosan hydrochloride, carboxymethyl chit-osan, chitosan oligosaccharide and N-acetyl-D-gluc-oseamine against Candida albicans, Candida krusei and Candida glabrata. – Int. J. Pharm. 353: 139-148.
30. Shaaban, H.M., Ahmed, A.T., Ahmed, A.H. and Farouk, A. 2013. Tetrazolium/formazan test as an efficient method to determine fungal chitosan antimicrobial activity. – J. Mycol. 2013: 1-7.
31. Shanmugam, A., Mahalakshmi, T.S. Barwin, V.A. 2008. Antimicrobial activity of polysaccharide isolated from the cuttlebone of Sepia aculeats (Orbingy, 1848) and Sepia brevimana (Steenstrup, 1875): an approach to selected antimicrobial activity for hu-man pathogenic microorganisms. – J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3: 268-274.
32. Sugumar, G. and Ramesh, U. 2010. Susceptibility of crab chitosan against Staphylococcus aureus. − Bioresearch Bulletin 1: 7-9.
33. Tajdini, F., Amini, M.A., Nafissi-Varcheh, N. and Faramarzi, M.A. 2010. Production, physiochemical and antimicrobial properties of fungal chitosan from Rhizomucor miehei and Mucor racemosus. − Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 47: 180-183.
34. Tao, W., Svetlana, Z., Draughon, F.A., William, S.C. and Carl, E.S. 2005. Physiochemical properties and bioactivity of fungal chitin and chitosan. – J. Agri. Food. Chem. 53: 3888-3894.
35. Tipparat, H. and Oraphan, R. 2008. Effect of deacetylation conditions on antimicrobial activity of chitosans prepared from carapace of black tiger shri-mp (Penaeusmonodon). – Songklanakarin J. Sci. Te-chnol. 30: 1-9.
36. Tolaimate, A., Desbrieres, J., Rhazi, M., Alagui, A., Vincendom, M. and Votteri, P. 2000. On the infl-uence of the deacetylation process on the physio-chemical characteristics of chitosan from squid chitin. – Polymers 41: 2463-2469.
37. Varadharajan, D. and Ramesh, S. 2012. Antibacterial activity of commercially important aquaculture candidate shrimp chitin extracts against estuarine and marine pathogens from Parangipettai coast, south east coast of India. – J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Res. 2: 632-640.
38. Yamaguchi, I., Itoh, S., Suzuki, M., Sakane, M.A. and Tanaka, J. 2003. The chitosan prepared from crab tendon I: the characterization and the mechanical properties. – Biomaterials 24: 2031-2036.
39. Yen, M.T. and Mau, J.L. 2006. Preparation of fungal chitin and chitosan from shiitake stipes. – Fungal Sci. 21: 1-11.
40. Yen, M.T. and Mau, J.L. 2007. Physiochemical characterization of fungal chitosan from shiitake stipes. – LWT- ‎J. Food Sci. Technol. 40: 472-479.
41. Yen, M.T., Yang, J.H. and Mau, J.L. 2009. Physiochemical characterization of chitin and chitosan from crab shells. – Carbohydr. Polym. 75: 15-21.
42. Zamani, A., Lars, E., Bjorn, S. and Mohammad, J.T. 2007. Extraction and precipitation of chitosan from cell wall of Zygomycetes fungi by dilute sulfuric acid. – Biomacromolecules 8: 3786-3790.
44. Al Sagheer, F.A., AL Sughhayer, M.A., Muslim, S. and Elsabee, M.Z. 2009. Extraction and characterization of chitin and chitosan from marine sources in Arabian Gulf. – Carbohydr. Polym.77: 410-419. [DOI:10.1016/j.carbpol.2009.01.032]
45. Alishahi, A., Mirvaghefi, A., Tehrani, M.R., Farahmand, H. and Shojaosadati, S.A. 2011. Enhancement and characterization of chitosan extraction from the wastes of shrimp packaging plants. − J. Polym. Environ. 19: 776-783. [DOI:10.1007/s10924-011-0321-5]
46. Antonio, M, Susan, E., Sonia, P. and Maria, L.N. 2008. In vitro antimicrobial activity of garlic, oregano and chitosan against Salmonella enterica. – World. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 24: 2357-2360. [DOI:10.1007/s11274-008-9721-7]
47. Bolat, Y., Sengul, B., Ali, G., Levent, L., Seval, B.K., Soner, C. and HabilUgur, K. 2010. Chitin-chitosan yield of freshwater crab (PotamonPotamios, Oliver 1804) shell. – Pak. Vet. J. 30: 227-231.
48. Chellaram, C., Sreenivasam, R.S., Jonesh, S., Anand, T. P. and Edward, J.K.P. 2009. Bioactive potential of coral associated gastropod, Trochus tentorium of gulf of Mannar, Southeastern India. − Biotech. 8: 456-461. [DOI:10.3923/biotech.2009.456.461]
49. Chio, B.K., Kim, K.Y., Yoo, Y.J., OH, S.J., Chio, J.H. and Kim, C.Y. 2001. In vitro antimicrobial activity of a chitooligosaccharide mixrure against Actonobaci-llus actinomycetemcomitans and Streptococcus muta-ns. – Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents. 18: 553-557. [DOI:10.1016/S0924-8579(01)00434-4]
50. Cuero, R.G. 1999. Antimicrobial action of exogenous chitosan.− Exs. 87: 315-333. [DOI:10.1007/978-3-0348-8757-1_23]
51. Entsar, S.A., Khaled, S.A.N. and Maher, Z.E. 2008. Extraction and characterization of chitin and chitosan from local sources. – Bioresour. Technol. 99: 1359–1367. [DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2007.01.051]
52. Entsar, S.A., Khaleh, S.A.N. and Maher, Z.E. 2008. Extraction and characterization of chitin and chitosan from local sources. – Bioresour. Technol. 99: 1359-1367. [DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2007.01.051]
53. Hajji, S., Islem, Y., Olfa, G.B., Hajji, R., Rinaudo, M., Nasri, M. and Jellouli, K. 2014. Structural differen-ces between chitin and chitosan extracted from three different marine sources. – Int. J. Biol. Macr-omol. 65: 298-306. [DOI:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2014.01.045]
54. Kong, M., Chen, X.G., Liu, C.S., Liu, C.G., Meng, X.H. and Yu, LJ. 2008. Antibacterial mechanism of chitosan microsphers in a solid dispersing system ag-ainst E. coli Colloids and Surfaces B. – Biointerface. 65: 197-202. [DOI:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2008.04.003]
55. Lee, K.M., Shim, H., Lee, G.S., Park, H., Lee, O.S., Lim, S.C. and Kang, T.J. 2013. Chitin from the extract of cuttlebone induces acute inflammation and enhances MMP1 expression. – Biomol. Technol. 21: 246-250. [DOI:10.4062/biomolther.2013.036]
56. Lim, S. and Hudson, S.M. 2003. Review of chitosan and its derivatives as antimicrobial agents and their uses as textile chemicals. – J. Macromol. Sci. 43: 223-269. [DOI:10.1081/MC-120020161]
57. Manni, L., Olfa, G.B., Jellouli, K., Younes, I., Nasri, M. 2010. Extraction and characterization of chitin, ch-itosan and protein hydrolysates prepared from shrimp waste by treatment with crude protease from Bacillus cereus SV1. – Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 162: 345-357. [DOI:10.1007/s12010-009-8846-y]
58. Nadarajah, K., Kader, J., Mazmira, M. and Paul, D.C. 2001. Production of chitosan by fungi. – Pak. Vete. J. 4: 263-265.
59. Natarajan, K., Riyaz, A.B. and Rengarajan, S. 2011. Pr-oduction and evaluation of chitosan from Aspergillus niger MTCC strains. – Iranian J. Pharm. Res. 10: 553-558.
60. No, Kh., Park, Y.N., Lee, H.S. and Meyers, P.S. 2002. Antimicrobial activity of chitosan and chitosan oligomers with different molecular weights. – Int. J. Food. Microbiol. 74: 65-72. [DOI:10.1016/S0168-1605(01)00717-6]
61. Patterson, E.J.K. and Murugan, A. 2000. Screening of cephalopods for bioactivity. – Phuket. Mar. Bio. Cent. Spec. Pubi. 21: 1253- 1256.
62. Pochanavanich, P. and Suntornsuk, W. 2002. Fungal chitosan production and its characterization. – Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 35: 17-21. [DOI:10.1046/j.1472-765X.2002.01118.x]
63. Pranee, L., How, N.C. and Chandrkrachang, S. 2002. Effect of chemical treatment on the characteristics of shrimp chitosan. – Journal of Metals Materials and Minerals. 12: 11-18.
64. Qaralleh, H., Idid, S., Saad, S., Susanti, D., Taher, M. and Khleifat, K., 2010. Antifungal and antibacterial activities of four malaysian sponge species (Petrosii-dae). – J. Med. Mycol. 20: 315-320. [DOI:10.1016/j.mycmed.2010.10.002]
65. Raafat, D., Bargen, K.V., Haas, A. and Sahl, H.G. 2008. Insights in to the mode of action of chitosan as an antibacterial compound. – Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74: 3764-3773. [DOI:10.1128/AEM.00453-08]
66. Rhazi, M.J.D., Tolaimate, A., Alagui, A. and Vottero, P. 2000. Investigation of different natural sources of ch-itin: influence of the source and deacetylation process on the physicochemical characteristics of chitosan. – Polym. Int. 49: 337-344. https://doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1097-0126(200004)49:4<337::AID-PI375>3.0.CO;2-B [DOI:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0126(200004)49:43.0.CO;2-B]
67. Sânia, M.B., Andrade, R.L., Brismak, G., Rocha, D.B. and Alcione, O.G. 2012. The Use of exoskeletons of shrimp (Litopenaeus vanammei) and crab (Ucides cordatus) for the extraction of chitosan and production of nanomembrane. – Material Sci. Appl. 3: 495-508.
68. Sasikala, S.L. and Chitra, S. 2009. Antibacterial activity of prawn exoskeleton extract against marine and estuarine pathogenic bacteria. – J. Cell. Tissue. Res. 9: 1975-1979.
69. Selvin, J. and Lipton, A. 2004. Dendrilla nigra, a marine sponge, as potential source of antibacterial substances for managing shrimp diseases, India. Aquaculture 236: 277-283. [DOI:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2004.01.021]
70. Seyfarth, F., Schliemann, S., Elsner, P. and Hipler, U.C. 2008. Antifungal effect of high-and low-molecular-weight chitosan hydrochloride, carboxymethyl chit-osan, chitosan oligosaccharide and N-acetyl-D-gluc-oseamine against Candida albicans, Candida krusei and Candida glabrata. – Int. J. Pharm. 353: 139-148.
71. Shaaban, H.M., Ahmed, A.T., Ahmed, A.H. and Farouk, A. 2013. Tetrazolium/formazan test as an efficient method to determine fungal chitosan antimicrobial activity. – J. Mycol. 2013: 1-7. [DOI:10.1155/2013/753692]
72. Shanmugam, A., Mahalakshmi, T.S. Barwin, V.A. 2008. Antimicrobial activity of polysaccharide isolated from the cuttlebone of Sepia aculeats (Orbingy, 1848) and Sepia brevimana (Steenstrup, 1875): an approach to selected antimicrobial activity for hu-man pathogenic microorganisms. – J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 3: 268-274. [DOI:10.3923/jfas.2008.268.274]
73. Sugumar, G. and Ramesh, U. 2010. Susceptibility of crab chitosan against Staphylococcus aureus. − Bioresearch Bulletin 1: 7-9.
74. Tajdini, F., Amini, M.A., Nafissi-Varcheh, N. and Faramarzi, M.A. 2010. Production, physiochemical and antimicrobial properties of fungal chitosan from Rhizomucor miehei and Mucor racemosus. − Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 47: 180-183. [DOI:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2010.05.002]
75. Tao, W., Svetlana, Z., Draughon, F.A., William, S.C. and Carl, E.S. 2005. Physiochemical properties and bioactivity of fungal chitin and chitosan. – J. Agri. Food. Chem. 53: 3888-3894. [DOI:10.1021/jf048202s]
76. Tipparat, H. and Oraphan, R. 2008. Effect of deacetylation conditions on antimicrobial activity of chitosans prepared from carapace of black tiger shri-mp (Penaeusmonodon). – Songklanakarin J. Sci. Te-chnol. 30: 1-9.
77. Tolaimate, A., Desbrieres, J., Rhazi, M., Alagui, A., Vincendom, M. and Votteri, P. 2000. On the infl-uence of the deacetylation process on the physio-chemical characteristics of chitosan from squid chitin. – Polymers 41: 2463-2469.
78. Varadharajan, D. and Ramesh, S. 2012. Antibacterial activity of commercially important aquaculture candidate shrimp chitin extracts against estuarine and marine pathogens from Parangipettai coast, south east coast of India. – J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Res. 2: 632-640.
79. Yamaguchi, I., Itoh, S., Suzuki, M., Sakane, M.A. and Tanaka, J. 2003. The chitosan prepared from crab tendon I: the characterization and the mechanical properties. – Biomaterials 24: 2031-2036. [DOI:10.1016/S0142-9612(02)00633-6]
80. Yen, M.T. and Mau, J.L. 2006. Preparation of fungal chitin and chitosan from shiitake stipes. – Fungal Sci. 21: 1-11.
81. Yen, M.T. and Mau, J.L. 2007. Physiochemical characterization of fungal chitosan from shiitake stipes. – LWT- ‎J. Food Sci. Technol. 40: 472-479.
82. Yen, M.T., Yang, J.H. and Mau, J.L. 2009. Physiochemical characterization of chitin and chitosan from crab shells. – Carbohydr. Polym. 75: 15-21. [DOI:10.1016/j.carbpol.2008.06.006]
83. Zamani, A., Lars, E., Bjorn, S. and Mohammad, J.T. 2007. Extraction and precipitation of chitosan from cell wall of Zygomycetes fungi by dilute sulfuric acid. – Biomacromolecules 8: 3786-3790. [DOI:10.1021/bm700701w]

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