1- , Javad_Kavousian@yahoo.com
Abstract: (9532 Views)
This study aims at investigating risk and protective factors for substance use among the students studying in private university of Bandar Abas,Iran. Samples of 310 students were selected randomly. To collect the data, Substance abuse questionnaire (Bolhari, Taromian and Peyravi, 1385), perceived self-efficiency scale(Sheerer et al, 1982), life skills developmental scale (Darden and Ginter, 1996) and tendency scale(measuring students’ tendency to substance use) were used. The collected data were analyzed by Pearson correlation, t-test, one way ANOVA and Regression. The results showed that tendency to substance use had significant negative correlation with religious attitude, self- esteem, positive attitude to the university, self-efficacy and social skills. Furthermore, tendency to substance had positive correlation with the parents’ positive view on drugs. Among the risk and protective factors, the three factors, social skills, religious attitudes and aggression, could anticipate 47% of variance of tendency to substance use. The average tendencies to substance use between male and female and married and unmarried students are considerably more among male and married students respectively. There is also no significant difference between age difference and tendency to substance use. possibility of tendency to drug using by almost %47 of variance. The average tendencies to drug taking between male and female and married and unmarried students are considerably more from male and married students respectively. The age verity has no considerable difference in using drugs
Type of Study:
Research |
Accepted: 2009/11/15 | Published: 2009/11/15