1- , enayati.psy89@yahoo.com
Abstract: (10037 Views)
This study aimed at investigating the effect of group emotional intelligence training on Training in junior Gifted Students’ Psychological Well-beingin the second area of Isfahan city. Research method is quasi-experimental with pre-test, post-test design and follow-up testing with placebo and control group. Population of this study was the students of Imam Sadiq School in Isfahan who were admitted in this school based on specific measures including IQ and an entrance exam. A sample of 45 students was selected by simple random sampling. Then these subjects were put into three groups of fifteen: experimental group, placebo group and control group. In order to measure the main variables of the model, Baron’s emotional intelligence and Ryff’s psychological well-being were used. The pre-test was performed on the three groups and then the experimental group underwent eight 90-minute sessions. Following the intervention, the post-test was performed on the three groups and 2 months later the subjects were followed up. Then the data was analyzed by the analysis of covariance with repeated measures. Results of the covariance analysis with repeated measures showed that the emotional intelligence training could have an effect on increasing the psychological well-being and its components including self- acceptance, positive relations with others, autonomy, environmental mastery, meaningful life and personal growth. It seems that introduction of courses with emotional intelligence contents in schools can be effective in mental health and psychological well-being of the students.
Type of Study:
Research |
Published: 2014/06/15