Hosseinian M, Nouri R, Moghadasin M, Esalatmanesh S. Prediction cigarette and Water- Pipe use among university students based on the adjustment with the university, Mental Health and motivation for use. Journal title 2018; 12 (2) :86-104
1- Kharazmi university
2- Kharazmi university , rynoury@yahoo.com
3- National Institute for Medical Research Development
Abstract: (7107 Views)
The aim of this study was to investigate a model for predicting cigarette and water-pipe use among university students based on the adjustment to the university, mental health and motivation for use. This correlational study with a structural equation modeling approach was conducted on 634 students selected from Kashan universities by cluster sampling. Data were collected using the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ), Substance Use Motives questionnaires, Young Risk Behavior Scale (YRBS), and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28). The results showed that none of the dimensions of adjustment to the university had a significant effect on cigarette or water–pipe use. Some dimensions (individual-emotional compatibility and attachment to the university) that were mediated by the role of mental health and consumer motivation, had an indirect significant effect on cigarette and water–pipe use. Mental health and coping motivation had a significant effect on cigarette use. Also, mental health and additive motivation had direct and significant effect on water-pipe use. Reduction of adjustment to the university in two aspects of emotional–individual adjustment and attachment to the university causes mental health problems, and the presence of coping motivations for cigarette use or additive motivations for water–pipe use, increase the probability of cigarette or water–pipe use among the students. According to the findings, the development of different preventive programs for cigarette or water–pipe use, screening of mental health problems especially for vulnerable students during the school years, is recommended.
Type of Study:
Research |
General Received: 2018/02/27 | Accepted: 2018/05/5 | Published: 2018/09/22