Volume 14, Issue 4 (2-2021)                   2021, 14(4): 19-35 | Back to browse issues page

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Azami M S, Taremian F. The prevalence of Cyberbullying and demographic characteristics of bullies, victims and cyber bullies-victims. Journal title 2021; 14 (4) :19-35
URL: http://rph.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3663-en.html
1- University of social welfare and rehabilitation sciences
2- University of social welfare and rehabilitation sciences , fa.taremian@uswr.ac.ir
Abstract:   (4982 Views)
Cyberbullying is defined as a willful and repeated harm, inflicted through computer, cell phones and other electronic devices. In this article, the prevalence of cyberbullying and demographic characteristic of the people who were involved in this phenomenon, has been studied. 425 boys and girls in Kermanshah’s high school had been selected using randomized cluster procedure. The prevalence of cyberbullying was 7.7 percent, cybervictimization was 10.9 percent, and cyberbully-victim was 31.4 percent and 50.0 percent of the students weren’t involved. The result of demographic characteristics showed that more than half of boys and less than half of girls were involved in cyberbullying. Students who were involved in cyberbullying, had weaker religious beliefs in family and reported worse parent-child relationships. They also had more daily internet use and using social network is what they do the most on the internet. Results of other demographic characteristic is shown in their own tables. The prevalence of cyberbullying and cybervictimization is aligned with other countries but cyberbully-victims’ rates are higher. Results of some of the demographic characteristics showed pretty interesting differences that must be considered in future studies.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/02/10 | Accepted: 2021/09/28 | Published: 2021/11/5

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