Volume18, Issue 4                   Back to the articles list | Back to browse issues page

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1- University of Isfahan
2- Tabriz University , tourajhashemi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1549 Views)
The Cognitive, Affective, and Somatic Empathy Scale (CASES) proposes a new three-component structure of empathy. The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Cognitive, Affective, and Somatic Empathy Scale, the statistical population consisted of all students aged 18 to 50 years studying at Tabriz University in the academic year 2022-2023, selected through convenience sampling. The instruments used in the study included the CASES, the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire (PAQ), and the Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale. Data were analyzed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Cronbach's alpha, and Pearson's coefficient with SPSS 24 and Lisrel 8 software. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated using internal consistency methods. For convergent validity, the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire (2018), Davis’s Interpersonal Reactivity Index (1983), and Gard’s Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale (2006) were used. The results of reliability calculation using Cronbach's alpha showed coefficients above 0.70. Confirmatory Factor Analysis also indicated that the three-factor solution had a better fit. The correlation analysis results support the validity of this scale. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the Cognitive, Affective, and Somatic Empathy Scale has appropriate reliability and validity.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychology
Received: 2024/07/18 | Accepted: 2024/12/21 | Published: 2024/12/17

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