Shahgholian M, Azad –Falah P, Fathi Ashtiani A &. An Investigation of Metacognitive Processes with Regard to the Dimensions of Anxiety and Impulsivity. Journal title 2012; 5 (2) :13-21
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Abstract: (10972 Views)
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the metacognitive processes regard to the dimensions of anxiety and impulsivity. First, the sample of the study, 600 female students of Tarbiat Modares University, completed the Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. Then, based on the subjects’ score in lie scale and their extreme scores in extraversion and neuroticism dimensions, 4 groups (15 subjects in each group) consisting of high anxiety (Anx+), low anxiety (Anx-), high impulsivity (Imp+) and low impulsivity (Imp-) subjects were selected, and completed Stroop and Wisconsin tests. The results indicated that the quality of metacognitive process and the executive functions similar to it were better in Anx- group in comparison to Anx+ group and in Imp- group in comparison to Imp+ group. Generally speaking, the results of this study highlight the effect of anxiety and impulsivity on metacognitive processes.
Type of Study:
Research |
Published: 2012/03/15