taghiloo A, abdollahi A. Agricultural Development with Particular Emphasis on Rural-Urban Mutual Relationships and Interactions Case study: Azerbaijan Province. serd 2013; 2 (3) :29-50
1- Assistant Prof. in Geography and Rural Planning, Uromiyeh University , a.taghilo@gmail.com
2- Assistant Prof. in Geography, Payam Noor University of Miandoab
Abstract: (10693 Views)
The present study deals with agricultural development in rural areas as a phenomenon related to urban growth. This study believes in this hypothesis
that urban growth per say would motivate agricultural activities in surrounding rural areas .It aims to investigate the level of agricultural development resulted from rural-urban mutual relationships and interactions. The study area is composed of Azerbaijan major cities along with villages located in their vicinities and their sphere of the influences. Needed data related to livestock as well as orchard and agricultural products obtained from Bureau of census of the province .The level of agricultural development in relation to neighboring cities was determined using topsis model as well as correlation regression and their corresponding coefficients. This study suggests that there exists a significant relationship between size of cities and their corresponding level of agricultural activities in the hinterlands, taking into account the coefficient level (0.825) as well as significant level (95%). This study further supports this fact that 85% of the variation pertaining to the level of the agricultural development in thehinterlands is explained by city size variable.
Type of Study:
Research |
Accepted: 2017/10/5