Volume 3, Issue 8 (8-2014)                   serd 2014, 3(8): 126-144 | Back to browse issues page

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Sadeghi H, Falsoleyman M, Hashemi S, Fadaee M. The limitations and potentials of sustainable development regarding village of Eastern borders of Iran Case: Bandan district in Nehbandan County. serd 2014; 3 (8) :126-144
URL: http://serd.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2017-en.html
1- Ph.D. student of Geography and Rural Planning, Isfahan University, Iran
2- Assistant Prof. in Geography and Rural Planning, Birjand University, Iran
3- M.Sc. in Geography and Rural Planning, Birjand University, Iran
Abstract:   (12301 Views)
Iran’s border villages are encountering with service deficiencies regarding social, economic and cultural dimensions. However, these entities are facing with foreign propaganda for enlarging border ethnic groups delimits and ignorance of these area’s capabilities and potentials. This in turn, requires more attentions toward bordering village. The major objective of this study is to investigate the limitations as well as potentials and capabilities of bordering villages of Bandan District in Nehbandan. The research method is based on survey technique, field works and documentation. As such using Cochran formula 258 rural households were extracted out of 7577 pertaining to 17 villages of this district. The viability of this questionnaire was determined by Cronbach's alpha (0.71) computation. It is further followed by application of T test, freedman, regression, and one way ANOVA. This study suggests that the economic, social status of these border villages are fairly is critical. This in turn is associated with environmental, management and security issues as well as ignorance of the region’s capabilities. It is argued that security and management variables possess the least averages as opposed to infrastructural indices. Moreover, there exists interrelationship among different indicators. That is improving one would enhance the others.
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Type of Study: Research |
Accepted: 2016/11/30

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