Volume 3, Issue 9 (11-2014)                   serd 2014, 3(9): 149-163 | Back to browse issues page

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Hamzeii M, Shayan H, Buzarjemehri K. The evaluation of social impacts of industrial towns over rural areas Case: Khayam industrial town. serd 2014; 3 (9) :149-163
URL: http://serd.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2155-en.html
1- Ph.D. student of geography and rural planning, Ferdowsi Mashhad University, Iran
2- Associate Prof. of geography department, Ferdowsi Mashhad University, Iran , shayan@yahoo.com
3- Associate Prof. of geography department, Ferdowsi Mashhad University, Iran
Abstract:   (7635 Views)
The achievement of technical improvement during last three decades is being considered as major reason regarding growth and development in developed countries. Practically, with respect to advanced countries, more emphasis is devoted to diversification of rural economy as far as sustainability issue is concerned. According to major researches, rural regions could not achieve sustainability by just relying on one type of livelihood especially regarding to arid areas. The impact of industries upon rural regions is associated with multiplier affects. It is argued that any structural change through industrialization not only enhance rural economy, but also could lead to wide and broad transformations in all other aspects as well. It is associated with positive impacts including changes in culture, and social structure of the traditional villages. In general, that part of agricultural sector which possess great harmony with rural population, would be prime activity as opposed to service and industrial sectors. The share of agricultural sector regarding gross domestic product has been continuously plummeted. It has been 5.18 in 2006. Word wide agricultural products are not just being considered as rural products. That is rural economy is being diversified. Industry more specifically processing and handicrafts are among major sector of rural economy. An introduction of industries into rural areas not only influence the village from economic standpoint, but also is bears its impact upon other sectors of the rural areas as well The most important impact deals with social systems and its resultant complications. These impacts over individual and personal culture are more pronounced. This in turn, is influenced by other factors as well. Of course one who works in the computer company with peasants, working in rice paddies in Thailand behave differently. According to past study, could be viewed by two approaches; is rural industrialization one approach is based on Carl Marx idem logy how believed in the impact of industrialization upon society. However, the opponent of this group criticize the negative role of industrialization through prevalence of believe that society through development of alienation. They industry and technology lose its spirit. On the other hand some school of thought appreciates the industries as welcome phenomena and believes in its positive consequences. They further argue that in the case of proper industrialization in a society, the culture, and social structure of a society would modernized. The key person pertaining to this school of thought is blowers. He believed that the growth of industrialization would enhance the demand for other relevant services. Through industrial growth and its, synergistic consequence, a government would be able to tax people more and as a result, medical care education, and provision of security as well as other services would relative be guaranteed.
Taking to account the mature as well as the objective of this study, descriptiveanalytical and comparative research method was applied. The statistical society composes P rural workers in Khayam industrial town in 66 villages as target group located in proximity of this town the head of households as well as. Of other rural households who engaged in activities other than Khayam industrial town as an evidence group. The sample size turned out to be 388 households through application of Cochran formula and random sampling technique.
This study suggests that Khayam Industrial town regarding three indicators, enhancement of job skills, getting advance of insurance services and accessing to mass media show positive impacts. On the other hand, the enhancement of community participation. Strengthening mutual self-confidence, providing motivation for staying in rural communities, is not associated with positive impacts. Moreover, 80% of Khayam Industrial town workers enjoy high level of job satisfaction. It is further argued that regarding three cultural indices including feeling of prosperity, feeling of alienation and value systems impose great positive impacts and led to drastic, positive cultural changes. Some may argue that even though construction of Industrial reigns and towns from one hand provide job opportunities and increase the income level, but it does not necessary means keeping the population in rural areas and prevent migration .this study confirm this as well. This in turn more attention regarding increasing the participationlevel.
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Type of Study: Research |
Accepted: 2016/11/30

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