Volume 10, Issue 37 (Fall 2021 2021)                   serd 2021, 10(37): 41-58 | Back to browse issues page

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Bani Asdi N, Samari D, Farajullah Hosseini S J, Omidi Najafabadi M. Factors Affecting the Development of Date Processing and Complementary Industries in Rural Areas of Kerman Province. serd 2021; 10 (37) :41-58
URL: http://serd.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3733-en.html
1- PhD Student, Agricultural Extension and Education, Department of Economics, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2- Associate Professor, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food Industry, Department of Agricultural Development, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Karaj, Iran , drsamari@yahoo.com
3- Associate Professor, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food Industry, Department of Agricultural Development, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (4598 Views)
 Agricultural processing industries are groups in which an agricultural product is transformed to achieve better consumption, better supply and increase economic value. Thus the nature of both primary and secondary products are the same, but compared to the raw material, the final product is totally novel. Establishment of processing and complementary industries has positive and significant effects on strengthening the rural economy, which enhances the level and variety of products and preserves agricultural lands and rural landscape. Among agricultural products, date is one of the most important and strategic horticultural products in Iran. About 17% of the cultivated area and 13% of world date production are in Iran. Also, according to the latest Iranian Customs Office statistics in 2011, the export of dates from Iran raised 17.7 percent compared to 2010 and reached to more than 174 million dollars. Innovation is vital to a civilization. The new era of global development is experiencing an extensive competition based on innovation to access scarce and limited resources, which guarantees the long-term and sustainable growth path of society. Innovation is considered as an idea or attitude related to a product, service, machinery, policy and program that is new and implemented by an organization. Total Innovation Management (TIM) provides the components for the organization, culture, strategy and the relationship between them as well as a model for the relationship between non-technology and technology. The TIM implementation has three transformations. It expands from single to complete innovation, from segregated to integrated innovation, and from focusing merely on the company's internal resources to emphasizing the integration of internal and external resources. Therefore, innovation will not only be the responsibility of some individuals or functions but also an integrated strategic process for adding and creating value and involving all members of the organization at any time and place.

This research is descriptive-analytical and using a survey method for data collection. The statistical population of this research is 200 people who are active in the three domains of marketing, packaging and processing of date in the processing and complementary industries in Kerman Province. The sample size was calculated by Cochran's formula and155 people were determined by a simple random sampling. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire which has 58 items. For the validity of the questionnaire, the opinions of experts were used and for the reliability the Cronbach's alpha was used, which was confirmed (higher than 0.70). In order to analyze the collected data, multiple regression and One-Way variance analysis.

Discussion and conclusion
The aim of this study was to identify the factors affecting the total innovation management in the development of date processing and complementary industries in Kerman Province. Findings confirmed that the relationship between innovation culture and the development of processing and complementary industries of dates is directly significant and innovation strategy has an inverse relationship to the culture of innovation. In other words, the value of strategic innovation decreased, but the culture of innovation increased. In the case of technology management, as the findings showed, the values are positive, i.e. with the rise in technology management variable, the development of processing and complementary industries increases. Also, with the organizational structure variable, the value of “b” related to innovation culture and strategic innovation and technology management decreases. However, organizational structure has increased. The values for the organizational structure variable are positive, i.e. with the rise in the organizational structure variable, the rate of processing and complementary industries of dates improves. It seems that Kerman Province has the necessary conditions and capabilities for date cultivation and expansion of processing and complementary industries of this product. Establishment of complementary industries and date processing in the region can contribute to suitable conditions for economic development of Kerman Province by providing higher efficiency and profit for conventional date production, hence causing more income and higher standard of living for businesses.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/12/15 | Accepted: 2021/12/1

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