Volume 12, Issue 43 (Spring 2023 2023)                   serd 2023, 12(43): 191-210 | Back to browse issues page

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Vahabi J, Baset Ghoreishi M, Molaei Hashjin N. Analysis of water resource management on the economic development of floodplain villages in the Central District of Gilan Province. serd 2023; 12 (43) :191-210
URL: http://serd.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3917-en.html
1- Ph.D. Student, Geography and Rural Planning, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
2- Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran , mbasetgh@gmail.com
3- Professor, Department of Geography, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
Abstract:   (3066 Views)
The concept of water resources management changes over time with various factors, such as environmental knowledge, technology, and recognition of the difference in the value of water resources. Water resources management is affected by various economic, social, political, cultural, and technical factors. Accordingly, the concept of sustainable management of agricultural water resources has been raised in response to the issues of inappropriate use of water resources and harmful environmental effects and the traditional agricultural economy. Reducing water resources increases the cost of new water resource provision, and usually, developing countries cannot meet these costs. Therefore, the optimal consumption and the correct management of the supply and demand of existing water resources are proposed to meet the economic cost. Water will be an effective agent. Many scientists have studied the relationship between water and economic development from different aspects, for example, in the case of natural disasters like floods and droughts. The results of studies have shown that available water for agriculture and economic development, and investment in water infrastructure, especially in the agricultural sector, reduce poverty in some African countries. Development generally means improving the material and spiritual level of human society and creating suitable conditions for a healthy life for all members of society. According to this concept, development includes economic, social, political, and cultural aspects, which include quantitative and qualitative changes. The desired purpose of development is to improve the quality of life for everyone. Therefore, the effort to achieve development should be in a way that includes the interests of most people.

This article is a survey-based analysis, which means it focuses on a small portion of society, specifically village officials and farmer households in the study area. The necessary data was collected through a questionnaire. The statistical population of the research is the villages of the central floodplain of Gilan, which includes village officials and farmer households of the villages of the study area. 384 questionnaires were randomly completed. Then, the questionnaire was analyzed using SPSS software and with relevant statistical tests.

Discussion and conclusion
The results showed that, according to 50% of respondents, agricultural water resources management has a moderate effect on increasing the diversity of agricultural activities, 46.8% on increasing purchasing power and housing construction, and 42.2% on reducing costs. Production in the agricultural sector is considered low. From the perspective of 27.6% of respondents, the effect of agricultural water resource management on reducing production costs in the agricultural sector is high, and 44.3% has a moderate effect on the area under cultivation of agricultural products. According to the survey, 25.6% of respondents believe that the impact of agricultural water resource management on expanding the cultivation area of agricultural products is minimal. Out of the respondents, 38.3% believe that agricultural water resources management moderately improves their satisfaction with life in the village, while 29.7% think it also moderately enhances their satisfaction.
Additionally, 30.5% of the respondents stated that agricultural water resources management has significantly impacted increasing attention toward transformation industries in agriculture. It has been found through research that managing agricultural water resources has significant effects on various aspects of agriculture and rural communities. Specifically, it has a 34.7% impact on agricultural production growth, a 29.4% impact on agricultural output increase, a 50.3% impact on rural employment generation, and a 50.11% impact on the income and well-being of villagers in the central plains of Gilan Province.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/06/19 | Accepted: 2023/04/30

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