Volume 9, Issue 2 (9-2022)                   Human Information Interaction 2022, 9(2): 1-11 | Back to browse issues page

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Abbasi Dashtaki N, Shabani A. Rereading the Bystrom and Jarvelin's Information Seeking Behavior Model: Can the Scope of this Model Be Criticized?. Human Information Interaction 2022; 9 (2)
URL: http://hii.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3005-en.html
university of Isfahan
Abstract:   (3801 Views)
Background and aim: Information seeking behaviors are the reflection of users' needs that Identifying and understanding them correctly is imperative in information seeking endeavors. Experts have presented cognitive and Process user-oriented approach models to better understand scholars’ information seeking behaviors.  The intent of models are to define and clarify the conditions that predict people's actions to gain information.  As a result of different understanding of information behavior, the study was directed with the intention that Bystrom and Jarvelin's model emphasizes on which concept of this behavior and its measure of Criticism.
Method: Library method was used to study and analyze the Bystrom and Jarvelin's Information Seeking Behavior Model   
Findings: The findings showed that the task complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity of concepts were related, so it could establish a strong place in the establishment of models.
 With the task complexity, the need for knowledgeable people rises. Thus, the setting of resources is significant. Also, as complexity increases, more resources and more time are required to perform the search.
Conclusion: The task complexity is an important variable in the information seeking process.  Consequently, the requirement for the type of information, number, and location of resources arises thus determines the type of information and resources used. Result of which is the increase of collaboration of knowledgeable people as source of information. Thus, information systems are facilitating information counseling of individuals. They are active in this field and could be considered a supplement source of information. Therefore, it is proper to focus more on this aspect of information resources in information systems. Since the task complexity has played a key role in the Bystrom and Jarvelin's model, this notion can be placed next to situational, personal, and organizational factors and may be considered as one of the imperative factors in the information quest, it will thus be a suitable measure for this model.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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